French Proverbs from 1611: Starting with the letter T

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

known | booze | church | clothes | devil | dirty | english | farm | food | fool | friends | government | illness | latin | love | luck | marriage | money | music/dance | animals | theft | war | women

[Table d'Abbé; ou de Prelat:] [Pro.] [A plentifull, or well-furnished boord.]

[Table sans sel, bouche sans salive:] [Prov.] [A table without salt, and a mouth without sap;]
[Table sans sel bouche sans salive:] [Prov.] [An vnlear ned discourse is (commonly) as vaine, as meate without salt's vnsauorie.]
[Table sans sel bouche sans salive:] [Prov.] [Appliable to any dull, or vnsauorie thing, which hath no power to excite th'appetite.]

[Table vaut escole notable:] [Prov.] [Table-discourse is an excellent Schoolemaister.]
[Table vaut escole notable:] [Prov.] Table talke is an excellent Schoolemaster.

[Taire, & faire sont requis par mer, & par terre:] [Prov.] [Be doing still, and cease to talke, whether by sea, or land thou walke.]

[Tandis que la loup muse la brebis entre au bois:] [Prov.] While the wolfe studies the sheepe escapes; while the cruell consult, the innocent ouerslip them; (hereby is also noted th'inconueniencie of an opportunitie neglected; and their slownesse, or dulnesse taxed, who go to councell when they should fall to action.)

[Tandis que le chien chie le loup s'en va:] [Prov.] While the dog scummers the wolfe scuds away.
[Tandis que le chien crie le loup s'en fuit:] [Prov.] [Whilest men attend vnnecessarie, they loose necessarie, aduantages.]
[Tandis que le chien crie le loup s'enfuit:] [Prov.] While the dog bawles the wolfe escapes; (thus by delaying and tatling an enemie oreslips him, and many aduantages others.)
[Tandis que le chien crie le loup s'enfuit:] [Prov.] While the dog doth nought but barke, the wolfe hath leasure to escape.

[Tandis que le loup muse la brebis entre au bois:] [Prov.] [Whilest the wicked consult th'innocent escape them; (Hereby also is meant, that opportunitie may be neglected, or aduantages lost, by tedious consultations.)]

[Tandis que les chiens s'entregrondent le loup devore la brebis:] [Prov.] [While the dogs iarre the Wolfe deuours the sheepe.]

[Tant crie on Noel qu'il vient:] [Prov.] [So long is Christmas called for that it comes; a constant importunitie at length preuailes.]
[Tant crie on Noel qu'il vient:] [Prov.] [So long is Christmas cried that at length it comes;]
[Tant crie on Noel qu'il vient:] [Prov.] We call so oft on Christmas, that at length it comes.

[Tant de gens tant de guises:] [Prov.] [As many different natures as nations; as many seuerall fashions as folke.]

[Tant de povres ne sont pas bons à vn huis:] [Prov.] [Many beggers at one doore hinder themselues, & trouble others.]
[Tant de povres ne sont pas bons à vn huis:] [Prov.] [So many beggers at one doore, so many suitors for one thing, are not good, or, are not like to speed.]

[Tant de villes tant de guises:] [Pro.] [As many seuerall customes as countrie townes.]

[Tant dort le chat qu'il se resveille:] [Prov.] [So long the cat sleepes that at length sh'awakes, (appliable to any thing which after long suppression bursteth out.)]
[Tant dort le chat qu'il se resveille:] [Prov.] The slugging or sleepie Cat at length awakes.

[Tant gratte la cheure que mal gist:] [Prov.] [One often speeds the worse for being too curious, or desirous of speeding well;]
[Tant gratte la chevre que mal gist:] [Prov.] He keeps such a stur, he makes so much ado, to be well, that he is the worse for it: [In old time a certaine goat painfully scraping the earth to get her selfe an easefull couch, turned vp a knife, wherewith presently after her throat was cut in a sacrifice; (This prouerbe is fittest applied vnto such, as ruine, or incommodate themselues by being too busie, or too curious, in what kind soeuer.)]

[Tant que le seigneur dort le vassal veille:] [Prov.] [As long as a Lord forbeares to seize his vassalls land (for want of homage, & c.) the vassall may lawfully, and without any wrong done to him, enioy it, and take the profits of it.]

[Tant tonne, & vente, que pluye descend:] [Pro.] [So much it thunders that at length raine falls;]

[Tant tonne qu'il pleut:] [Prov.] [Of big words come bloudwipes; after much consultation round execution.]

[Tant travaille, & tracasse l'homme, qu'en fin il se rompt, ou somme:] [Prov.] [A man so long doth toyle and swinke, till vnder his owne charge he sinke.]
[Tant travaille, & tracasse l'homme qu'il se rompt, ou somme:] [Prov.] [So long a man toyles, and trots vp and downe, that at the length he bursts, or falls flat downe.]
[Tant travaille, & tracasse l'homme, qu'il se rompt, ou somme:] [Prov.] [So long a man toyles that at length he tires.]

[Tant vaut l'homme tant vaut sa terre:] [Prov.] [A good, or bad man makes good, or bad, the things belonging to him.]
[Tant vaut l'homme tant vaut sa terre:] [Prov.] [A man is prised by his land;]
[Tant vaut l'homme tant vaut sa terre:] [Prov.] [So worthie as a man is makes he the things belonging to him.]

[Tant vente qu'il pleut: &, Tant tonne, & vente que pluye descend:] [Prov.] [This wind will haue raine; bloud-wipes often follow big words.]

[Tard medecine est appresté e a maladie enraciné e:] [Prov.] [Grounded diseases are incurable.]
[Tard medicine est appresté e à maladie enraciné e:] [Prov.] [Sicknesse once rooted, all Phisicke comes too late.]

[Tel a bon los qui l'a à tort; tel l'a mauvais qui n'en peut mais:] [Prov.] [Some are vniustly praisd, some blam'd vnworthily.]

[Tel a bonne cause qui est condamné:] [Prov.] A iust cause may be ouerthrowne by an vniust sentence.
[Tel a bonne cause qui est condemné:] [Prov.] Hee thats i'the right oft times receiues the foile.

[Tel a du pain lors qu'il n'a plus de dents:] [Pro.] [Some haue abundance when they cannot vse it.]
[Tel a du pain lors qu'il n'a plus de dents:] [Prov.] Some haue great plentie when they can take no pleasure in't.

[Tel a necessité qui ne s'en vante pas:] [Prov.] [Necessitie doth pinch them most, who of their wants doe shame to boast.]
[Tel a necessité qui ne s'en vante pas:] [Prov.] [Some are in greater want then they will vaunt of.]

[Tel asne tel aiguillon:] [Prov.] Such as the asse, his goad.

[Tel au matin rit qui au soir pleure:] [Prov.] [Many that were glad in the morning are sad ere night.]
[Tel au matin rit qui au soir pleure:] [Prov.] [No glad man knowes how soone he may be sorie.]
[Tel au matin rit qui au soir pleure:] [Prov.] [Some begin the day with laughter, and end it with teares.]

[Tel autheur tel oeuvre:] [Prov.] [Like Author like worke; such as the writer such his booke.]

[Tel change qui ne gaigne pas:] [Prov.] Some change for the worse.

[Tel chante qui n'a ioye:] [Pro.] Many a one sings that is full sorrie; [(Those that, against their wils, ride vp Holborne, oft verifie this Prouerbe.)]

[Tel consent qui se repent:] [Prov.] [Some quickly rue their fond consentings.]
[Tel consent qui se repent:] [Prov.] Some yeelding (in hast) repent (at leisure;) or, some agreements prooue agreeuances.

[Tel cuide aimer qui muse:] [Prov.] Some thinke they loue who do but dote; or, some, though they thinke they loue, but dreame of loue.

[Tel cuide avoit fait qui commence:] [Prov.] Some thinke they haue done when they are to begin; or, when they haue but begun; or, some are new to begin, when they thinke they haue done, a businesse.

[Tel cuide frapper qui tue:] [Prov.] Some kill those whom they would but strike.
[Tel cuide frapper qui tue:] [Prov.] [The wounding mind hath oft a murthering hand; a hurt intended with death is ended.]

[Tel cuide vanger sa honte qui l'accroist:] [Prov.] [Some thinking to reuenge, renue, their shame.]

[Tel en patit qui n'en peut mais:] [Prov.] [Said of one thats punished for another mans fault.]

[Tel est housé qui n'est pas prest:] [Pro.] [Some, though they booted are, vnreadie are;]

[Tel est le gendre comme le soleil d'hyver:] [Prov.] [viz: That does but a little good, and that but a little while.]

[Tel est petit qui boit bien:] [Pro.] Though he be little he can tipple.
[Tel est petit qui boit bien:] [Prov.] [A little man may haue a great swallow.]

[Tel est plein qui se plaind:] [Pro.] [The wealthie churle complaines of want.]
[Tel est plein qui se plaind:] [Prov.] [Some how full soeuer they be are neuer contented.]

[Tel estrille fauveau que puis le mord:] [Prov.] Some make but bad return of a good turne; or, th'vngratefull vse those worst that haue beene best vnto them.
[Tel estrille fauveau qui puis le mord:] [Prov.] The vngratefull iade bites him that does him good.

[Tel fait la faulte qu'un autre boit:] [Prov.] One doth the scathe, and another hath the scorne.
[Tel fait la faute qu'un autre boit:] [Pro.] One commits the fault which another is blamed for.

[Tel fait le mieux qu'il peut qui ne fait chose qui vaille:] [Prov.] Some doe their best, and yet doe nothing well; or, some though they doe their best doe nothing well.
[Tel fait le mieux qu'il peut qui ne fait chose qui vaille:] [Prov.] [Some though they doe then best doe nothing well.]

[Tel grain tel pain:] [Prov.] [Such as the corne such is the bread.]

[Tel hoste tel hostel:] [Pro.] [Like host like house.]
[Tel hoste tel hostel:] [Prov.] [The host, and the house are (commonly) alike.]

[Tel larron tel cordon:] [Prov.] Such theefe, such halter; a punishment befitting th'offence.

[Telle beste telle teste:] [Pro.] [Such as the beast such is his head; a good, or bad nature hatches good, or bad intentions.]

[Tel le chien nourrit qui puis mange la courroye de son soulier:] [Prov.] Some breed vp those that proue their bane.

[Telle dent telle morsure:] [Prov.] [A sharpe tooth a smart wound; such as the tooth, such is the bit.]

[Telle racine telle fueille:] [Prov.] [Such root (we say, such tree) such fruit.]
[Telle racine telle fueille:] [Prov.] We say; such as the tree such is the fruit.

[Telle terre telle cruche:] [Pro.] [Such stuffe, such work; such wit, such words; such affection, such actions; such discretion, such directions.]

[Telle vie telle fin:] [Prov.] [Such as his dealing was his death.]
[Telle vie telle fin:] [Prov.] Such as his life such was his end.

[Tel maistre tel valet:] [Prov.] [Like maister like man.]

[Tel menace qui a grand peur:] [Pro.] [Some threaten highly that are ill afraid.]

[Tel menace qui est batu:] [Prov.] One may threaten, and be well swindged when he hath done; (we say, threatened folkes liue long.)
[Tel menace qui est batu:] [Prov.] [Some threaten that are beaten.]

[Tel oiseau tel nid:] [Pro.] [Like ayerie like Hawke; such as the bird such is her neast.]
[Tel oiseau tel nid:] [Prov.] [A house like th'inhabitant; such bird such neast.]

[Tel ouvrier tel ouvrage:] [Prov.] [A workman like his worke;] or, like workeman like worke.
[Tel ouvrier tel ouvrage:] [Prov.] [Such as the workeman such his worke.]

[Tel pense venger sa honte qui l'accroist:] [Prov.] [Some that doe thinke to couer their shame, discouer it; some weening to redeeme their shame, increase it.]

[Tel pense voler qui ne sç auroit bouger:] [Prov.] He meanes to flye, yet cannot moue a wing; [(said of an ouerweening ambition, which though it want all meanes attempts all matters.)]

[Tel perd l'appareil d'vne poule à faute d'achepter pour vn liard d'espices:] [Prov.] [Some by the sparing of a little cost, bereaue themselues of daintie sod, and rost.]

[Tel porte le baston dont à son grand regret le bat on:] [Prov.] Many a one carries about him a cudgell for his owne shoulders.

[Tel pot tel couvercle:] [Pro.] [Such pot such couer; like will to like, quoth the Diuell to the Collier.]
[Tel pot tel couvercle:] [Prov.] Such pot such pot-lid, like maister like man.

[Tel rid qui mord:] [Prov.] [Some laugh that bite, some ieast that gall;]

[Tel rit au matin qui au soir pleure:] [Prov.] [Some laugh amornings who ere night shed teares.]

[Tel rit qui mord:] [Prov.] [Some laugh and bite withall; Appliable to an hypocrite, or dissembler, who brings, by his faire words or shewes, confusion to those he conuerses with.]

[Tel se cuide bien garder qui se frappe sur le nez:] [Prov.] Some thinking to defend, offend, themselues.

[Tel se cuide chauffer qui se brusle:] [Prov.] Some, thinking but to warme, do burne, themselues.
[Tel se cuide chauffer qui se brusle:] [Prov.] Some thinking but to warme, doe burne, themselues.

[Tel seigneur tel chien:] [Pro.] Like master like man.
[Tel seigneur tel chien:] [Pro.] [Such as a maister, such his man will be.]

[Tel se plaind qui n'a point de mal:] [Prov.] [Some complaine that feele no paine;] or, some, though they feele no hurt, vnquiet are.
[Tel se plaind qui n'a point de mal:] [Prov.] [Some though they feele no harme vnquiet are.]

[Tel s'excuse qui s'accuse:] [Prov.] Some when they meane to excuse, accuse, themselues.

[Tels sont huy qui demain ne verront pas:] [Pro.] [To day a man, to morrow none.]
[Tels sont huy qui demain ne verront pas:] [Prov.] Some are aliue to day, that will be dead to morrow.
[Tels sont huy qui demain ne verront pas:] [Prov.] [Some that are blithe to day to morrow will be blind.]

[Tel tue qui ne pense que blesser:] [Prov.] [Some kill such as they would but hurt.]

[Tel vice tel supplice:] [Pro.] [Such as the crime such the correction.]
[Tel vice tel supplice:] [Prov.] [Like paine shall chastice thine excesse to that wherein thou didst transgresse.]

[Tenez chaud le pied, & la teste, au demeurant vivez en beste:] [Pro.] [Keepe head and feet warme for the rest, thou must resolue to liue a beast; (viz, to eat, and drinke no more then will doe thee good.)]
[Tenez chaud le pied & la teste, au demeurant vivez en beste:] [Pro.] [The feet and head kept warme, the rest will take lesse harme.]

[Tenir le bec en l'eau:] [Pro.] [To hold in suspence; to put off with dalliances, or delayes.]

[Tenir ne faut pour bon voisin vn ami de Table, & de vin:] [Pro.] (For when you haue need of him, or when your Table growes needie, he will be sure to giue you the slip.)

[Terre chevauché e est a demy mangé e:] [Prov.] [The reuenue of land thats often rid vnto is halfe consumed in riding charges.]
[Terre chevauché e est à demy mangé e:] [Pro.] [Farreoff land oft rid to halfe spends it selfe;] [The like is]; [Terre loing de foy n'apporte que flascons, & bouteilles:] [Pro.] Ground that lies farre off yeelds nought but pots, and bottles.

[Tesmoing passe lettre:] [Prov.] [The deposition of a present witnesse is a more effectuall euidence then a bare proofe out of any writing.]

[Tont ce que tonne ne nous estonne point:] [Prov.] All that does thunder does not blunder vs.

[Tortue busche faict droit feu:] [Prov.] A crooked log makes a straight fire.
[Tortuë busche fait droict feu:] [Prov.] [(So comes a crooked thing to be good for something.)]
[Tortuë busche fait droict feu:] [Prov.] The crooked log makes a straight fire.

[Tost attrapé e est la souris qui n'a pour giste qu'un pertuis:] [Prov.] [(So ill a Protector is Improuidence.)]

[Tour de pescheur:] [Pro.] [Great hazarding for great matters;] whence; [Il fit vn tour de pescheur.] [He exposed himselfe vnto much danger to obtaine a thing of much worth.]

[Tousiours ne dure guerre, ne orage:] [Prov.] [No violence, nor violent thing, lasts alwayes.]

[Tousiours ne frappe l'on pas ce à quoy l'on vise:] [Prov.] One alwayes hits not what he aimes at.

[Tousiours pesche qui en prend vn:] [Prov.] [And yet he fishes who catches one;] or, he that takes one, may well be said to fish.

[Tousjours ne dure orage ne guerre:] [Prov.] [Nor storme, nor sturre, continues euer.]

[Tout a esté à autruy, & sera à autruy:] [Prov.] All came from, and shall goe to, others.

[Tout bois vaut busches:] [Prov.] Any wood is as good as a log.
[Tout bois vaut busches:] [Pro.] [The worst wood's good ynough to make logs of;] or, the worst wood yeeldeth fuell for the fire.
[Tout bois vaut busches:] [Prov.] [All wood is worth logs.]

[Tout ce que Clerc laboure folle femme devore:] [Prov.] All that the Clarke toyles for his Punke deuoures. {ed: Punke = prostitute. The French says femme: woman.}
[Tout ce que le Clerc laboure folle femme deuore:] [Pro.] All that the scholler gaines his wench consumes.
[Tout ce que le Clerc laboure folle femme devore:] [Prov.] [All that the Clerke can scrape his trull consumes.]

[Tout ce que gist en peril n'est pas perdu:] [Prov.] [All is not lost that in some danger is.]
[Tout ce que gist en peril n'est pas perdu;] [Prov.] [All is not lost that is in danger.]

[Tout ce que tonne ne nous estonne point:] [Pro.] [All that does thunder makes vs not to wonder.]

[Tout ce que vient d'Ebe s'en retourner a de flot:] [Prov.] The Tyde will fetch away what th'ebbe brings in.
[Tout ce que vient d'Ebe s'en retournera de flot:] [Prov.] What's got by one hand will be lost by another.

[Tout cheval a besoing d'esperon:] [Prov.] All men haue need of some correction.

[Toute chair n'est pas venaison:] [Prov.] [All dishes are not dainties;]
[Toute chair n'est pas venaison:] [Prov.] All flesh is not venison; euery man is not to be affected, esteemed, trusted, or vsed; euery saying is not sooth, euery worke not of worth.

[Toute Chatte a son Fevrier:] [Prov.] Euerie dog hath his day (say we) or [(more properly) euerie woman hath her wanton fit.]

[Toute chose qui est bonne à prendre est bonne à rendre:] [Pro.] Any thing thats good to be taken may wel be restored.

[Toute chose se vend au pris de l'oeil de l'homme:] [Prov.] [Mans eye doth rule the price of euerie thing.]
[Toute chose se vend au pris de l'oeil:] [Prov.] [Mans eye doth set a rate on euerie thing.]

[Toutesfois est faict ce qu'enuis ont faict:] [Prov.] Though gainst their wills they did it, yet tis done.

[Toutesfois fut le pré tondu:] [Prov.] [Yet was the medow mowen;] {notdef}

[Toutes heures ne sont pas meures:] [Prov.] [All times are not in season for all things.]

[Toutes les femmes se resemblent:] [Pro.] All women are (in good, or bad) alike.

[Tout estat est viande aux vers:] [Prov.] Euerie creature is wormes meat.
[Tout estat est viande aux vers:] [Prov.] [Wormes prey, by times, on all Estates.]

[Tout estat, & rien au plat:] [Prov.] All pompe, no hospitalitie; the bellie is starued by the backe.

[Tout est fait negligemment là ou l'vn a l'autre s'attend:] [Prov.] [While one another trusts the worke is left vndone; (and so between two stooles the taile goes to the ground.)]
[Tout est fait negligemment là o[`u] l'un à l'autre s'attend:] [Prov.] Nothing is well done where one altogether trusts vnto, or relyes vpon, another.

[Tout est perdu ce qu'on donne à fol:] [Pro.] All that is giuen to a foole is cast away; [(whereupon some Critick will perhaps conclude, that all the labour bestowed on this word hath been misbestowed.)]
[Tout est perdu ce qu'on donne à fol:] [Prov.] [All thats bestowed on fooles is cast away.]
[Tout est perdu ce qu'on donne à fol:] [Prov.] Whatsoeuer is giuen to fooles is lost: for either they are simple and cannot, or vngratefull and will not, requite it.

[Tout meschant est ignorant:] [Prov.] [All naughtie men are ignorant.]

[Tout ouï r, tout voir, & rien dire, merite en tout temps qu'on l'admire:] [Prov.] Heare and see all, but say nothing, so maiest thou still be admired.
[Tout ouï r, tout voir, & rien dire, merite en tout temps qu'on l'admire:] [Prov.] [To heare all, see all, and say nought, merits eternall admiration.]

[Tout se trouve au rastelier de cuisine:] [Prov.] [All things are, at the length, discouered, or brought vpon the Stage.]

[Tout vient à poinct qui peut attendre:] [Prov.] [He that can wait long shall haue a good houre.]
[Tout vient à poinct qui peut attendre:] [Prov.] [He that is patient any thing may compasse.]
[Tout vient à point qui peut attendre:] [Prov.] He that can stay his time, shall compasse any thing.

[Tout vient à poinct qui tient mesnage:] [Prov.] [He that keepes house makes vse of euerie thing.]
[Tout vient à point qui tient mesnage:] [Prov.] [All's fish that comes to the householders net.]

[Tout voir, tout ouïr, & rien dire, merite en tout temps qu'on l'admire:] [Prov.] [To heare, and see, and nought to say, deserues to beare the bell away.]

[Tout vray n'est pas bon à dire:] [Prov.] [All that is true is not to be told.]
[Tout vray n'est pas bon à dire:] [Prov.] Euerie trueth is not to be told.

[Tripe pleine ne combat bien, ny ne fuit bien:] [Prov.] [He thats full bellied neither fights, nor flyes, well.]

[Trois beaucoup, & trois peu destruisent l'homme:] [Pro.] [viz. To speake much, and know but little; to spend much, and haue but little; to presume much, and be but little.]

[Trois iours de respit vallent cent livres:] [Prov.] [A three dayes respit's worth a hundred pounds.]

[Trop achepte le miel qui sur espines le leche:] [Pro.] [He buyes honie too deere that lickes it off thornes.]
[Trop achette le miel qui sur espines le leche:] [Prov.] Too deere's the sweet thats bought with much affliction.

[Trop grater cuict, trop parler nuict:] [Prov.] [Excesse, in scratching breedeth smart, in speaking mightie scathe.]
[Trop grater cuict, trop parler nuit:] [Prov.] Too much scratching paines, too much talking plagues.
[Trop grater cuit trop parler nuit:] [Prov.] [Too much scratching hurts the skin, too much talking the whole bodie.]

[Trop n'est point bon:] [Pro.] [Too much is too much;] and, too much is good for nothing.

[Trop presser fait le cheval restif:] [Prov.] [Too much vrging makes men desperate, or froward; extreame importuning makes mens friends their enemies.]
[Trop presser fait le cheval restif:] [Prov.] [To take too much of, or presume too much on, a friend, is the way to make him loath you, and to make you loose him;]

[Trop tard crie l'oiseau quand il est prins:] [Prov.] Too late cries the bird when shee is taken; too late comes repentance when we are sure of punishment; or we repent vs too late of wrongs done when wee are paying for them.
[Trop tard crie l'oiseau quand il est pris:] [Pro.] [Mischiefes being in, complaints are out of, date.]
[Trop tard crie l'oiseau quand il est pris:] [Pro.] [When mischiefes are befallen complaints auaile not.]

[Trop tard se repend le rat entre les pattes du chat:] [Prov.] When punishment's inflicted repentance comes too late.]
[Trop tard se repent le rat entre les pattes du chat:] [Prov.] [Too late the Rat cryes had-I-wist when the Cat pawes her.]

[Trop tard se repend qui tout despend:] [Prov.] When all's consum'd repentance comes too late; or, repentance is neuer in season with one thats euer an vnthrift.

[Trop tost vient à la porte qui mauvaise nouvelle apporte:] [Pro.] [He that brings ill news comes too soone.]
[Trop tost vient à la porte qui mauvaise nouvelle apporte:] [Prov.] [Too soone arriues he that ill tidings hath.]

[Truye aime mieux bran que roses:] [Prov.] [The Sow had rather lye in dung then on a bed of Roses.]
[Truye aime mieux bran que Roses:] [Prov.] The Sow loues draffe better then delicacies.

[Truye ne songe qu'ordure;] &, [Tousiours truye songe bran:] [Pro.] [Base minds haue alwayes base, and beastlie thoughts; their wishes, proiects, dreames, are like themselues.]
[Tousiours truye songe bran:] [Pro.] The filthie glutton still dreames of his belly.

Next letter: v

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