French Proverbs from 1611: The Devil is in the details

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[Aile d'ange, & voix de Diable:] [Prov.] An Angels wing, and deuils voice (the stile of a Peacocke.)

[Au prester ange, au rendre Diable; &, Au prester cousin, au rendre fils de putain:] [Prov.] [Borrowers when they would haue coyne, speake faire, but when they should pay coyne, spit fire.]
[Au prester Ange, au rendre diable:] [Pro.] (Thus doe vngratefull men when they would borrow, flatter, when they must repay, rayle.)
[Au prester Ange, au rendre Diable:] [Prov.] [Some when they would borrow adore, but when they should pay abhorre, a man;] [The like is]; [Au prester cousin, au rendre fils de putain.]

[Bon gré mal gré va le Prestre au Sené:] [Prov.] [Needes must he goe whom the Diuell (necessitie) driueth.]
[Bon gré mal gré va le prestre au Sené:] [Prov.] [(Some will expound this by a prouerbe of ours;] he must needs go whom the diuell driues.)

[De jeune Angelot vieux diable:] [Prov.] We say, a young Saint an old diuell.

[Et plus a le diable, & plus veut avoir:] [Prov.] The more the diuell hath the more he would; [(And herein, as in most points else, the greedie scrape-good humors him.)]

[Ire de freres ire de Diables:] [Prov.] Brothers anger diuellish anger.
[Ire de freres ire de Diables:] [Prov.] [Brothers furie, diuelish follie.]

[La farine du diable s'en va moitié en son:] [Pro.] Halfe of the diuels meale turnes vnto branne.

[La farine du diable va moitié en vent ou au son:] [Pro.] Little good comes of that the diuell hath, or doth; or, ill gotten goods come to little good.

[Le diable n'est pas tousiours à vn huis:] [Prov.] The diuell is not alwaies at one dore; he tempts, and attempts, men sundrie wayes.
[Le diable n'est pas tousiours à vn huis:] [Prov.] [The diuell is not euer at one doore.]

[On cognoit le diable à ses griffes:] [Pro.] The diuell is knowne by his clawes; a couetous heart discerned by catching hands.

[Qui a Marastre a le diable en l'atre:] [Prov.] As good haue a diuell to his dam as a stepdame.
[Qui a marastre a le Diable en l'atre:] [Prov.] [He that hath a stepdame hath a Diuell to his dame.]

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