French Proverbs from 1611: Starting with the letter H

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

known | booze | church | clothes | devil | dirty | english | farm | food | fool | friends | government | illness | latin | love | luck | marriage | money | music/dance | animals | theft | war | women

[Habit de beat, ongles de chat:] [Prov.] [A wolfe in a sheepes skin.]

[Haine de prince signifie mort d'homme:] [Pro.] [Hee's neere his death thats hated by his Prince.]
[Haine de Prince signifie mort d'homme:] [Prov.] [A Princes hate imports the death of man.]
[Haine de Prince signifie mort d'homme:] [Prov.] [He whom a Prince hates is as good as dead.]

[Hardie langue coü arde lance:] [Pro.] [A hardie speech a heartlesse speare.]
[Hardie langue coü arde lance:] [Pro.] [Those that brag most, execute least.]

[Hardi gaigneur hardi mangeur:] [Prov.] Good at meat good at worke,
[Hardi gaigneur hardi mangeur:] [Prov.] [The better one falls to his meat, the better he followes his worke.]

[Hardiment heurte à la porte qui bonne nouvelle apporte:] [Pro.] [He that brings good news boldly knocks at doore.]
[Hardiment heurte à la porte qui bonne nouvelle apporte:] [Pro.] [He that good tidings beares full boldly knocketh.]

[Hardiment parle teste saine:] [Pro.] [The speech of the innocent is confident.]
[Hardiment parle teste saine:] [Prov.] [The wise, honest, or guiltlesse, boldly speake.]

[Harnois ne vaut rien qui ne defend:] [Prov.] The Armour is worth nothing that defends not.
[Harnois ne vaut rien qui ne se defend:] [Prov.] [Defend thy selfe or else all armor's vaine.]

[Haste ne vient seule:] [Prov.] [Hast neuer comes alone; viz: hath euer some trouble or other t'accompanie it.]

[Hier vachier huy chevalier:] [Prov.] [Hee's now a Knight who last day was but a clowne.]

[Homme rusétard abusé:] [Prov.] [The subtill are not easily deceiued.]

[Home seul est viande aux loups:] [Prov.] [The lone man is Wolues meat.]

[Homme à deux visages n'agré e en villes, ny villages:] [Prov.] [A man that hath a double visage is neither lou'd in towne, nor village; dissembling is a hatefull sinne.]

[Homme assailli à demy vaincu:] [Prov.] [He thats assaulted is halfe ouercome.]

[Homme chiche iamais riche:] [Prov.] [The niggard's nere (in his opinion) rich.]

[Homme endormi corps enseueli:] [Pro.] There is as much vse of a dead corse, as of a drowsie creature; or, a drowsie bodie is little better then a dead.
[Homme endormi corps enseveli:] [Prov.] [A sleeping, is not better then a dead, man.]
[Homme endormi corps enseveli:] [Prov.] There is no difference betweene a dead, and a sleepie, bodie; or, as good be dead outright, as aliue, and do nought.

[Homme matineux sain, alaigre, & soigneux:] [Pro.] [An earlie man is buxome, healthfull, carefull.]

[Homme mort mord iusques, & par delà la mort:] [Prov.] [The bloud of the innocent cryes vnto God for vengeance, pursuing vnto, and stinging after, death the conscience of a murtherer: Howsoeuer some may flatter themselues with;] [Homme mort ne mord pas:] [Prov.] [A dead man;] [(or as we say], a dead dog) bites not.

[Homme mort ne fait guerre:] [Prov.] [A dead man deales no blowes.]
[Homme mort ne fait guerre:] [Prov.] [Dead men are quiet; the dead man makes no warre.]
[Homme mort ne fait guerre:] &, [Homme mort ne mord point:] [Prov.] [A dead man fights not;] we say; A dead dog bites not.
[Homme mort ne mord pas:] [Prov.] [A dead man;] (or as we say, a dead dog) bites not.

[Homme mutin, brusque roussin, flascon de vin, prennent tost fin:] [Pro.] [The person turbulent, a liuelie steed, and cup of wine, come to an end with speed.]
[Homme mutin, brusque Roussin, flascon de vin prennent tost fin:] [Prov.] [A factious asse, free horse, good cup of wine, are quickly spent.]

[Homme ne cognoist mieux la malice que l'Abbé qui a esté moine:] [Prov.] [There is no knaue to the Abbot that hath beene a Monke;] or no man knowes how to play the knaue better then he.

[Homme plaideur menteur:] [Prov.] [A Pleader, a lyer.]

[Homme seul est viande aux loups:] [Prov.] [The lonelie man becomes a prey to wolues.]
[Homme seul est viande aux loups:] [Prov.] [The solitarie man becomes Wolues meat.]

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