SCA Juried Merchants List: Fiber Arts

Blackwood Jewellery
Inkle-woven garters with hand-made fittings
Period Perceptions
fiber arts tools including spindles, combs, looms, embroidery frames and more
Huntington Antiques
Antique Tapestries
Margo Anderson's Historic Costume Patterns
Historically accurate sewing patterns for Renaissance garb.
Reconstructing History
Embroidery threads for every level of experience, from Splendor silk to hand-dyed European crewel wools
Maison Rive
I sometimes have access to good, low-priced sheep's fleece. ($2.50 to $5.00/lb US). I've worked with historic fiber arts for 25 years- if you give me a time& place, I can tell you which of my fleece would be closest _in type and texture_ to their fleece. (The actual breed, usually not... Even the few ancient breeds still around have almost all been "improved" into something unrecognizable.)
Fettered Cock Pewters
We sell replica thimbles, sewing kits, handmade lucets, bone needles and awls.

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Disclaimer: Do not mistake this list for an official statement by or publication of the SCA, Inc. It is the personal opinion of Gregory Blount (Greg Lindahl.) I have not verified any claim made by any merchant. However, I would like to hear if you had a bad experience with any merchant on the list, or you feel that a merchant on the list doesn't live up to the list criteria.

Gregory Blount / Greg Lindahl (