Re: Dead Factions

Rich Skrenta (
Sun, 23 Oct 1994 08:46:16 -0400 (EDT)

> Prisoners should not melt either. This is ground we covered after
> Jambalaya quit. I was not happy them, on the wrong end of that, and I
> don't feel that it would be fair in any sense to keep that that way.
> This allows people to kamikazi factions and then deprive the victor of
> the possibilities prisoners present.

The problem is that leaving all these prisoners and dead bodies around
after quits is a hole in my NP system.

Hmmm. Okay, I've just thought of a wonderfully beautiful solution.
The real problem with the current scheme of keeping prisoners and
dead bodies around when the owning player quits is the degradation
to unsworn status, in the case of prisoners, and the auto-swear to
the resurrecting priest's faction in the case of dead bodies.

Instead, prisoners could simply become independent, but retain their
current loyalty. Dead bodies revived without an owner, instead of
swearing to the priest's faction upon returning to life, could instead
swear to the independent player. Thus, the difficulty of obtaining
NP's from prisoners and dead bodies would be unaffected by the owning
player's QUIT.

Rich Skrenta <>

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