Combat Change
Mon, 17 Oct 1994 16:42:22 -0400 (EDT)

I have been thinking about the combat system again. I do not recall
what the consensus was, but I have a simple idea that may balance
some things out.

Currently, the side with the most units tends to win, regardless of
quality of units. Try this formula on for size.

Chance to attack is:

Side A (quantity + quality)
Both sides (quantity + quality)

For example:

Side A has 1 Dragon

Side B has 1 Noble with 100 soldiers

Side A chance to attack is:

(500 + 1) 501
--------- = --- = 42% chance
(500 + 1) + (101 + 580) 1182

Now compare this to the current system:

--- = < 1%

What do you think of this scheme?

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