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   | The Olympia Times                                       issue g2-159 |
   | Februrary 29, 2000                                                   |
   |                                                                      |
   | turn 159  245 players                            http://www.pbm.com/ |

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Olympia PBEM

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Player-contributed press

Well. I gotta tell ya...last weeks press was pretty boring. Need more troops on a 2nd flank? Too bad. We will be making up one last batch of borg fertilizer. Going to grow some mighty fine Petunias on this Island. I hear some fine fertilzer can be made by other means. But this will involve some travel.

-- Hardguys [cd7]

If you have played Olympia 2 and play TAG take a look at this http://donn0425.tripod.com/tagprimer.html it is a primer for those who have played Oly G2 and play TAG if you have any additions to this please drop me a line at donn0425@hotmail.com

-- House Smith [vy5]

The Greyfell Lords are recruiting! Drop us a line for details at j_kuhnslord_foul@yahoo.com More fun, More action, More security.

-- Ebony Knight [5540]

To All Factions: The continent of Camaris is an active war zone. Any noble there is liable to attack without warning.

In particular, any noble not present at the express invitation of the Foriegn Minister of the Crimson Dragons is considered by the Crimson Dragons to be a hostile noble, and will be attacked without warning. Express invitation means that he will say, "Come to this place and do this thing now." All offers to join the Crimson Dragons or to attack our supposed enemies are rejected unless specifically approved by our Foriegn Minister. If he doesn't say Yes, then he probably means No.

It is not our desire to attack neutral or "newbie" factions, we consider that a waste of valuable noble-days, but we are at war (which we also consider a waste of vaulable noble-days), despite our desires to the contrary, and as such we will fanatically defend the integrity of our claimed lands. We regard any entry to Camaris by any means as an invasion.

Uninvited guests will be regretfully hunted down and killed.

I hope the preceding is clear and to the point, and I regret the need to post this so often.

Speaking for the Crimson Dragon Ministry of Internal Security,

-- Cudgel [9129]


Doom! Certain Doom! You'll see!

Please send donations to the "Feel sorry for warmongers who loose fund" directly to Sir Codric, Lord of Hades.

Hmmmm All this quiet is a bit suspicious.


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