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   | The Olympia Times                                       issue g1-195 |
   | March 18, 1998                                                       |
   |                                                                      |
   | turn 195  15 players                             http://www.pbm.com/ |

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Player-contributed press


Never, never, never, I don't care *who* tells you how good it is, never marinate a brain in Orc Oil (tm) before eating it. Oh, sure, you'll learn all of the skills, and the hangover the next day is survivable (if you're in good health and happen to be near an emergency room) but that gut-wrenching pain every time you use one of the skills just is *not* worth it! Use ratspider venom, it's safer and better for you.

My young brother asked me what happens after we die. I told him we get buried under a bunch of dirt and worms eat our bodies. I guess I should have told him the truth--that most of us go to hell and burn eternally-- but I didn't want to upset him.

How strong is number 1?

After this week's Times for game 2, I'm glad I'm here as well. I don't think I could take it otherwise.