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Necromancy [165]

The way of the necromancer leads to fresh graves, the pits of Hades, and unspeakable horrors found only in dark corners of men's souls.

Power is gained through animation and enslavement of the dead, both followers as well as nobles. A necromancer looks upon a bloody battlefield strewn with the dead as a potential army waiting to be trained.

Advanced necromancers wield fierce powers, manipulating evil Runes to effect their will upon the world, and making pacts with demons to obtain power in return for souls.

With great power also comes great danger, and necromancy is the most dangerous of the magical arts. Only those willing to risk death at the hands of civilized men, or worse fates meted out by demons sent from the underworld, should even consider its study.

The following skills may be studied directly once Necromancy is known:

num    skill                              time to learn
---    -----                              -------------
9179   Summon ghost warriors              two weeks
9180   Raise undead                       two weeks
9185   Aura blast                         two weeks

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