\version "0.0.57"; track0 = \melodic{ \octave c'; s2 d g g a b d' b g. g8 a b d' b b8 c'8 d'8 d'8 b e' d' b d'. e'8 d'8 c'8 b g s } % track0 text = \lyric { _2 It was the Frogge in the well, Hum-4. ble-8 dum hum- ble- dum, And8 the8 mer-8 rie8 Mouse in the Mill, twee-4. dle,8 twee-8 dile8 twi- no _ } global = \melodic { \meter 6 / 8; } \score{ \staff{ melodicregs global track0 } \staff{ lyricregs global text } \paper{ \unitspace 20\mm } \midi{ \tempo 4:90 } }