A World of Discovery

This entry is part of the PBM List.

Costs: Free
Email: worldofdiscovery@email.com
Frequency: One per week
Type: A PbEM game of civilization building.
Last-Update: 2019Jun04
Keywords: free, open-ended, email, human, historical, wargame, economic


New PbEM. Looking for eight players to begin. Each player will play as a nation in a diverse world. Concentration on development, trade, exploration, war, peace and diplomacy. Rich environment. Your moves will be submitted in writing weekly (approximately). This is a slow paced game. Weekly updates will inform you of the world as it unfolds before your eyes. Contact with other players is restricted, until players are met in the world, at which time you may have as much direct interaction as you desire (via email).

Submit an email of interest to register your nation to worldofdiscovery@email.com


Played the game? You can send me comments to be placed on this page by writing lindahl@pbm.com. But don't write me attempting to join the game -- write the GM, whose address is above.

Are you the GM? You can update your listing by writing lindahl@pbm.com. If you have something new to say about your game, for example an opening for new players, you can create an announcement for your game.

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Greg Lindahl