Harn Chronicles PBEM

This entry is part of the PBM List.

Costs: free
Email: saginmerusan@yahoo.com
Frequency: one per week
URL: http://www.execulink.com/~geoste/chroniclesrpg/ [ dead link ]
Type: email fantasy pbem
Last-Update: 2009Nov18
Keywords: free, open-ended, email, human, fantasy, rpg


I am testing the waters for a PBEM that:

1) is run by me - a GM for various other systems for over 20 years, running PBEMs off and on since 1999. 2) will be using Harnmaster 3rd edition, but I do have Harnmaster Gold as well. No knowledge of this system is needed. 3) is not simulationist roleplay, but is third person past tense novel style closer to narrative style. 4) run by a GM who loves to roleplay interactions rather than speeding things up 5) has no problems with Clerics and Shek-Pvar (spellcasters) 6) plans on using Google Groups for a mailing listserver (as I really do not like Yahoogroups)

A tentative website exists over at: http://www.execulink.com/~geoste/chroniclesrpg/

For my initial approach I am going to have a framework of a homebrew manor and the attendant surrounding lands and people and problems, but I'll leave it to the PCs as to what they will do afterward. I'll surely have plot threads & hooks in place and an overall plot in place, but ultimately the PCs will affect flow of events. So this is not entirely sandbox.

So, how about it? Is there interest out there for another PBEM? The email link should be above, but in case it is not: saginmerusan @AT yahoo .DOT com (delete the spaces and the AT and DOT for the proper email address).


Played the game? You can send me comments to be placed on this page by writing lindahl@pbm.com. But don't write me attempting to join the game -- write the GM, whose address is above.

Are you the GM? You can update your listing by writing lindahl@pbm.com. If you have something new to say about your game, for example an opening for new players, you can create an announcement for your game.

Don't see your favorite game? Then you can add an entry for it.

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Greg Lindahl