Unified Command

This entry is part of the PBM List.

Costs: none
Email: asavery@hotmail.com
Frequency: daily - real time
URL: http://asavery.proboards104.com/index.cgi [ dead link ]
Type: wargame
Last-Update: 2007Oct16
Keywords: free, open-ended, email, www, human, modern, wargame, rpg


Unified Commands is a web-board based game that seeks to realistically represent the interactions and concerns of the United States military at the Strategic and Operational levels. As such, players fill the roles of senior Generals and Admirals in their positions as service officers as well as joint warfighters. To accomplish this, players are involved at the Joint Chiefs and Combatant Command levels, reacting to global emergencies, ongoing operations, and the directives of the civilian National Command Authority (i.e. the President and Secretary of Defense).


Played the game? You can send me comments to be placed on this page by writing lindahl@pbm.com. But don't write me attempting to join the game -- write the GM, whose address is above.

Are you the GM? You can update your listing by writing lindahl@pbm.com. If you have something new to say about your game, for example an opening for new players, you can create an announcement for your game.

Don't see your favorite game? Then you can add an entry for it.

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Greg Lindahl