Iridear: Land of the 5 temples

This entry is part of the PBM List.

Costs: free
Frequency: one per week
Type: war diplomacy strategy fantasy
Last-Update: 2005Aug15
Keywords: free, closed-ended, email, human, fantasy, wargame, economic


Looking for up to 2 additional players to play a main nation and up to 4 for an allied smaller nation in a 24 turn/24 week test run a new fantasy strategy game with a "guns and butter" style play.

Players choose from among 8 cultures which they customize, develop military units, locate new cities, construct defenses, engage in diplomacy, recruit heroes, and manage resources.

The game is simultaneous turn based on a hex grid landscape. Files are sent as pdf or jpeg. You will need acrobat reader and an image editing software to make markings on your jpeg maps.

The setting is ancient history in Iridear: land of the five temples. The players are one of eight nations from the former Edarean empire. Edareans are the lost brothers from the Taetian empire with whom they waged a war to gain access to one of the five temples. Upon losing, the Edarean nation broke apart and are now waring among themselves.

Both Edarean and Taetian revere the builders of the five temples: Lyuvenor These are a mysterious race rarely seen in their natural form.


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Greg Lindahl