A Basic Bransle Set: Double/Single/Gai/Burgundian


This bransle set, according to Arbeau, was the first dance done at any ball. The entire dance set can be done as a learning piece in a circle, or as a knot bransle set if the dancers are more experienced. Bransle single and bransle double have been described earlier.

Partners or alternating genders are not required for any of the dances in this set.


Bransle Gai:

KL KR KL KR pause

KR KL KR KL pause

The dance repeats to the end of the music. The dancers should move to the left while executing the kicks.


Burgundian Bransle (Bransle de Bourgogne):


The dance repeats to the end of the music. The dancers should make the steps to the right smaller than the steps to the left, so that the entire line of dance continues to move to the left.

The entire bransle set (Single, Double, Gai, Burgundian) can be done as a set of dances done in a circle, a line bransle set, or a knot bransle set.


This picture, from a manuscript in Valencia, shows dancers performing a dance that could possibly have been a bransle, or a fore-runner to it.