The Cervera Manuscript (c. 1496)

This manuscript is 4 sheets preserved in the Arhicve Municapal de Cervera. The facsimile that this was scanned from exists in a volume edited by F. Carreras y Candi, titled Folklore y Costumbres de Espana, 2nd edition, 1934. These dances seem to be related to Burgundian basse dances.

The manuscripts are mostly written in shorthand. Frederick Crane has a translation and attempt to decipher the notation in his Materials for the Study of the Fifteenth-Century Basse Dance, 1979.

See also: Carles Mas i Garcia. Baixa Dansa in the Kingdom of Catalonia and Aragon in the 15th century. Historical Dance, 3, no. 1, 1992. pp. 15-23.

See also: Nocilli, Cecilia. El manuscrito de Cervera. Música y danza palaciega catalana del siglo XV. Amalgama textos, Barcelona, 2013. ISBN: 978-84-89988-68-2.

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