+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | t'Nyc PBM Game 21 June 1988 | | Rules version 0.1.11 Game Start 1 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The T'Nyc Times Volume 5 Number 4 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Playerships 90 Orders 36 Entities 3726 Highest 3965 Places 11? Artifacts 6+ | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Stephen Tihor > TIHOR@ACF1.NYU.EDU > cmcl2!acf1.nyu.edu!tihor 251 Mercer Street TIHOR@NYU-ACF7.ARPA cmcl2!acf[0-9].nyu.edu!tihor NY NY 10012 > TIHOR@NYUACF.BITNET cmcl2!tihor +1 212 998 3052 TIHOR@NYUACF7.BITNET +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Next Turn Due: 7 August 1988 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BACK ISSUES available...a reminder that all back issues are available on request (plus cost for mailing if sent by post.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **************************************************************************** ******** RESPONSE OF THE PEOPLE OF KISMAIN TO THE RAVAGES OF THORN ********* ******** AND RECENT ATTACKS BY HIS MINIONS ON THE FREE FOLK OF ********* ******** TONDRIL ********* **************************************************************************** When in the course of secular events it becomes necessary for a faction to dissolve the bonds of peace and turn to the thunderous calamity of violent conflict to guarantee and secure those equal and separate stations to which the Laws of Nature and observance of God's True Church does entitle them, a decent respect for the opinions of mankind by the Free and Holy People of Kismain does require of us to declare the causes which impel us upon the roads of WAR. We hold these divine gospels to be self-evident, that all folk are blessed by their Creator with inviolable rights, not least of which are and ought to always be: the freedom from hostile persuasion, the freedom from attack both of the direct and most ghastly: magical type, the freedom of association and due and proper diplomatic communication to the powers and beings of choice, the freedom to set the course of our destiny, and bring resources which threaten our environment and our future prosperity under control. To secure these Freedoms and Right's, the peoples of Kismain have placed a duty and a geas upon its Government and the Alliance to which it has formed, to take arms in our defense after all other measures have failed. These then are the abuses and usurpations which led by Thorn, (ill be spoken his name) and his minions in the Silver Palace, have perpetrated upon us: 1. Be it known that upon being properly chosen by the People Of Kismain in the most Holy Quarter of last year, this government saw that they did incite to riot and revolt the people of the this good City against its government, 2. That such incitements and disruptions, which were ill received by the good folk, did continue well past the start of communication to bring them to a peaceable end. During this period, which saw tensions and panic swelling in the streets, our leaders under the most restrained hands of BirSauron and Nasrib of Ide, did bring to bear not arms but force of will upon them to bring the conflict to an end. Now it is evident that their contraction from hostile persuasion was nothing less than the snake coiling tighter to strike with greater force at a distant time, 3. That while the doors to the city were thrown open to welcome their commerce, upon their adherence to the most proper and orderly Law of Common Garrison, that they did steadfastly refuse to join in the defence of the city while proffering their illusionary wares and wages of sin despite the City Laws against such practices. 4. That in the face of the common enemy: the monstrous Revenant, they did naturally to their instincts flee from any duty and left in the middle of the nightly battle, 5. That they participated in a policy of sole ownership of the Island of Tondril which even as we rest our pens herein, we see their flags flying from the Silver Palace below the City and from Peranda's surrounding hills, as well as reaching now the rich lands of Lower Tondril. 6. That in our pursuit to drive the foreign evil mainland powers from this Most Holy Island, that they did attempt to further conspiracies in the noble and honored Demon Guard most recently not even within a month of this writing. 7. That they have attacked us by magical means in the area of Lower Tondril with their Air Magic 8. That they have proclaimed that we have no freedom of diplomatic mission to those powers of the mainland that we so choose. This from a faction whose early freedom from justified violent retribution was a result of the diplomatic mission from the City to themselves Therefore, by the powers which the people of Kismain have thrusted upon our goodselves and the authority and duty thus bestowed, we solemnly publish and declare that between the People of Kismain and the faction of Thorn, that there is existing and ought to exist a State of War. We, as the instruments of the Will of the People of Kismain do solemnly declare our support of this Declaration with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge our Lives, our Fortune, and our Sacred Honor to the swift completion of this conflict and for a return to the normalcy we have strived for. For the People's Command: Nasrib of Ide For the Church Most Holy: GollyIm For the City Council: BirSauron *************************Freedom Press [2766]******************************* ***************************************************************************** Erin reviewed his reports once more. With so much information pouring in from around the world this once minor task had grown to be quite a chore. But he loved it! He considered the Skyhold issue. The lune that he left had seen the invasion of that city by the Mayor of the Golden City. Yelling "STOP THE PILLAGING MANIAC!" Darkstar's thousands pillage, raped and looted the once fair city into shambles. Reports show they didn't fair so well with the 10,000 man army (army is such a weak word for this absurd number) Jakara sent back. Now with troops in Losif and the Gulf of San it appears that soon Jakara will wreak his awful revenge on the Golden City. A while back Erin would have relished this fight, on whichever side would hire him, but now he had other responsibilities. When Shay Tollin heard the call of the Wanderer he had enlisted Erin to guard his peoples. That meant his lands of Eastport and Hamish, led ably by Lady Eastport, and his prospering world wide trade network, Entnychardian Trade Unlimited. Earlier he had talked to Lady Eastport via his telepathy gem. She had reiterated her position of neutrality, stating that the only way for Eastport and Hamish to survive wars in which thousands of men level how provinces was to stand back and preserve what civilization they could. Erin deemed this wise council. He only hoped the powers that be would respect this ideal. He made a mental note to prepare a statement for the press. "...help me Erin, you are my only hope...." broke into his mind. It was brief, faint and now over, but Erin recognized the mental touch. It was a soft, gentle one he had not felt for years. Erin fought off the lapse into blissful reverie. She needs help, he thought. "For you, fair lady, the world," he thought back, but knew it did not get through. And I will, my lady...I will. -- From the Annals of the Black Company of Erin the Fell [1073] Day 84 of the Year 5, Seeds to Soil ***************************************************************************** $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ E N T N Y C H A R D I A N T R A D E U N L I M I T E D ------------------------- --------- ----------------- Entnychardian Trade, Unlimited has offices in all the major markets. Our traders are of the highest skill, and are knowledgable in the ways of the particular goods they buy and sell. Reasonable fees. Transportation available. Contact: 1313 in the Golden City 2401 in the Golden City and Harn 2280 in Harn (associate member) 1139 in Bath 1945 in Bath (associate member) 1201 in Eastport 1542 in Eastport (associate member) 2289 in Runesward 1286 in Central Chardia 1111 in Hamish 550 new market research 561 new market research ANNOUNCEMENT: ENTNYCHARDIAN TRADE UNLIMITED is a non-partisan trade network. We are friendly and wish to be considered neutral to any and all peoples, especially armies and other "social adjusters." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The Free City of Harn [10] is proud to announce its new government! Harn is a FREE city. This means: * Visitors do NOT have to join the garrison. * Armies can pass through unhindered...especially big ones. * Do as you like, just don't tear the place up! This has been a public service announcement brought to you in conjunction with the Free City of Harn [10] and its NEW governing body. From: Lady Eastport [739] To: Darkstar Franklin, Jakara, the Caliph, Kosic, and others. The lands of Eastport and Hamish, which are protected in the name of Shay Tollin, the Wanderer are neutral in any and all upcoming conflicts. We have no desire to join in the wide spread bloodshed nor do we wish to join Skyhold and Ryvwy in their desolation. Let it be known that Eastport and Hamish pledge to neither aide nor abet any side with either arms or monies. We will accept any honest refugees seeking an escape from the carnage, but we will not become a source nor a staging ground for invasions. Please respect our humble wishes. (signed) Lady Eastport, Protector of Eastport and Hamish. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ------------------------------- | | | Radio Free Skyhold | | | ------------------------------- GOOOD MOORRRNNINNG TUUUUNYCK! This is your old pal, Etheric Eddie, master of the airwaves, coming to you live from SKYHOLD! Bet you thought you'd never hear from me again, eh? Well, you were right! We are dead. P.S. Look for our re-opening in a province near you. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: Thorn Industries [308] To: Newsletter, C/O Steven Tihor. Re: Anonymous Press Item. *** In a dungeon somewhere beneath the cith of Kismain... "Oath Breaker!",the prisoner spat as the last spark of life in him flickered out of him. "Well, that was enjoyable",chortled Bir Sauron, as he considered his latest actions. The beautiful wench at his feet smiled as she received her praise for her months' work. The fools had never suspected a thing until it was too late. The fact that most of the victims were rightful citizens of the Palace had made no difference, to the invaders anyone who stood in thier way was a target. But...Alexandra did not rest easy. She had found favor with her master but for how long? Just a few Lunes ago she would never have believed that they would be in the midst of a war. The peoples movement had become something that she no longer recognized. The first changes had started when the strangers had come from across the seas. Edi had explained that they were lost souls that had heard about the movement and had come to escape the corruption of the far lands and start over here, where there was plenty of opportunity for those willing to work hard. Then had come the closed meetings, the messages sent back across the sea, then the attack on the Silver Palace and the other independent provinces on the island. Alexandra liked the adventure, the thrill of conquest, but still she was bothered. She would have prefered an open announcement of war. This business of broken treaties and false propaganda sickened her. The unrest within the Palace was caused by Alliance followers sent from Kismain. The comands sent by Bir Sauron ordered pilliaging and terrorist activities. The golden cause she had once helped lead was deterioriating into a malignant evil that festered like an open wound. No one was even being asked to join the alliance anymore. "We have plenty of troops now.", Bir Sauron and the others on the council had declared. But even those who had expressed no animosity towards the Alliance had been pronounced enemies. She feared what had become of the cause, the ideal. What would be left when the war was over? Deserted provinces, ravaged beyond hope, stripped bare of all life? There wasn't any just cause anymore. Just the ambitions of a mind twisted beyond recognition by power, power and the quest for more power. She was trapped. She knew that now. There was no turning back. "Shall we see to the other prisoners now, my dear?", inquired the Overlord, Bir Sauron. To: T'NYC TIMES From: Lillanthar Fartraveller of the Gatecrafter's Guild [894] This letter is in support of the document and philosophy known as the Tondril Compact. I feel that it is wise to keep the budding Island/nation of Tondril away from contact with the other, more powerful lords on the continent until such time has occurred that they have built up strength that will allow them to compete on an equal economic and military basis with those on the mainland. With that in mind, I propose the following, subject to a vote from the guild. 1) Tondril be allowed to be isolated, with all guild members refusing to transport a client to any portion of Tondril. 2) All information relating to entry to Tondril be classified, and stored separately from the main guild databank so as to be available when Tondril is capable of supporting trade from outside, but unavailable to any until that time. I request that all guildmembers contact me within the next 2 lunes with comments on this doctrine. I can be reached either by telepathy gem [894] , by etheric mail (E-Mail), by the Empire Postal System (snail-mail), or by Telephone Addresses: E-mail: Camhark@ubvms.bitnet Snail mail: Daniel J. Harkavy Camhark@ubvmsc.cc.buffalo.edu 459 Lisbon Ave. Buffalo, NY 14215 (716)832-5613 Thank you for your response. =============================================================================