From: (Olympia PBM) To: (Martin Traizet) Subject: Olympia turn 40 report for Pirililaeran [544] *** Report of Olympia turn 40 for Pirililaeran [544] *** Commands for Pirililaeran [544]: > study 105 (executing for five more days) > cancel pwr > execute 509 > set 0 IDLE "study 101" Commands for Herr Doctor Von Cornelius [1151]: > study 106 (executing for eight more days) > cancel pwr > use 9711 > use 9711 Commands for Les Crapeuleaux (***) [1187]: > work (executing for four more days) > cancel pwr > sell 3 10 > buy 15 30 > give 2972 15 30 > attack 4111 > attack 4950 > use 9155 > use 9155 > use 9155 > use 9155 Commands for A party of Adventurers (Beginners) [1288]: > use 9653 (still executing) > cancel pwr Commands for Les Krostons V [1409]: > use 9142 (executing for five more days) > cancel pwr > unstack > take 1809 10 14 > give 1903 26 0 > stack 1498 > stack 1498 Commands for Battle Scared Veteran [1498]: > study 101 (executing for 12 more days) > cancel pwr > promote 1903 > unstack > move 227 > message 2518 > Prepare to die, thou pathetic idiot! > done > attack 2518 #T. Wayland > move 204 > wait UNTIL 18 > message 1702 > My name is Pirililaeran > You killed my friend Hyren Baranur > Prepare to die > done > attack 1702 #oleg > attack 1401 #oleg > attack 2517 #oleg > pay 1589 2000 > attack 1111 #T. Wayland > attack 2030 #T. Wayland > wait UNTIL 22 > move 227 > move 216 > stack 1903 Commands for Becassine [1542]: > work (executing for five more days) > cancel pwr Commands for Les Krostons IV [1546]: > assist 1903 (still executing) > cancel pwr Commands for Partisans [1606]: > work (executing for six more days) > cancel pwr Commands for Philomene [1627]: > work (executing for five more days) > cancel pwr Commands for Antresk Healer V. Member RMA. [1682]: > study 106 (executing for 12 more days) > cancel pwr Commands for Protectors of the Pass [1809]: > work (executing for five more days) > cancel pwr > unstack > pay 1903 1000 > take 1903 15 0 > stack 1498 > stack 1498 > wait UNIT 2528 #T. Wayland > attack 2528 Commands for K. Schloss, konstruktor spezialist [1902]: > study 108 (executing for 12 more days) > cancel pwr Commands for Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903]: > use 9178 (still executing) > cancel pwr Commands for Les Krostons I [1904]: > use 9523 (executing for one more day) > cancel pwr > move 216 > stack 1903 > take 1903 23 0 > set 0 IDLE "use 9553" Commands for Guardians of the Pass [1958]: > work (executing for five more days) > cancel pwr > unstack > give 1903 23 0 > stack 1498 > stack 1498 > wait UNIT 1111 > attack 1111 Commands for Les Krostons II [2086]: > cancel pwr > use 9445 W Commands for Les Krostons III [2088]: > work (executing for five more days) > cancel pwr > set 0 IDLE "work" Commands for Pimpf [2104]: > work (executing for one more day) > cancel pwr Commands for Celimene [2142]: > work (executing for five more days) > cancel pwr Commands for Antresk Healer I. Member RMA. [2149]: > study 9246 (executing for six more days) > cancel pwr > use 9246 1546 > use 9246 1903 > use 9246 dummy Commands for Antresk Healer II. Member RMA. [2212]: > study 106 (executing for 12 more days) > cancel pwr > use 106 Commands for Antresk Healer III. Member RMA. [2723]: > study 106 (executing for 12 more days) > cancel pwr Commands for Cunegonde [2725]: > cancel pwr > move 265 > take 2946 23 0 > move 271 > stack 544 > pay 544 0 > give 1288 23 0 Commands for Antresk Brewing Co, Inc [2734]: > study 109 (executing for 12 more days) > cancel pwr Commands for Antresk Healer IV. Member RMA. [2862]: > study 9246 (executing for 12 more days) > cancel pwr Commands for Gertrude [2918]: > cancel pwr > stack 1187 Commands for Crapouilleux I [2946]: > work (executing for two more days) > set 0 IDLE "work" Commands for Crapouilleux II [2959]: > cancel pwr > set 0 IDLE "work" Commands for Crapouilleux III [2972]: > cancel pwr > stack 1187 > set 0 IDLE "work" Commands for Crapouilleux IV [2985]: > use 9201 (executing for five more days) > set 0 IDLE "work" Commands for Crapouilleux V [3073]: > work (executing for five more days) > cancel pwr Commands for Crapouilleux VI [3091]: > cancel pwr Command processing: --------------------------------------------- Olympian month 1, spring, "Fierce winds", lasts 30 days. 0: 1187: Earned 6 gold smoothing village roads. 0: 1409: Mined 12 ore [26]. 0: 1542: Earned 2 gold working on a large farm. 0: 1606: Earned 115 gold cleaning the sewers. 0: 1627: Earned 2 gold working on a large farm. 0: 1809: Earned 662 gold working at unskilled labor. 0: 1958: Earned 56 gold assisting the brute squad. 0: 2088: Earned 42 gold digging ditches. 0: 2104: Earned 6 gold cleaning the sewers. 0: 2142: Earned 2 gold working on a large farm. 0: 3073: Earned 60 gold working at unskilled labor. 1: 1903: Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop has recovered from illness. 1: 544: > cancel pwr 1: 544: Done. 1: 1151: > cancel pwr 1: 1151: Done. 1: 1187: > cancel pwr 1: 1187: Done. 1: 1288: > cancel pwr 1: 1288: Done. 1: 1409: > cancel pwr 1: 1409: Done. 1: 1498: > cancel pwr 1: 1498: Done. 1: 1542: > cancel pwr 1: 1542: Done. 1: 1546: > cancel pwr 1: 1546: Done. 1: 1606: > cancel pwr 1: 1606: Done. 1: 1627: > cancel pwr 1: 1627: Done. 1: 1682: > cancel pwr 1: 1682: Done. 1: 1809: > cancel pwr 1: 1809: Done. 1: 1902: > cancel pwr 1: 1902: Done. 1: 1903: > cancel pwr 1: 1903: Done. 1: 1904: > cancel pwr 1: 1904: Done. 1: 1958: > cancel pwr 1: 1958: Done. 1: 2086: > cancel pwr 1: 2086: Done. 1: 2088: > cancel pwr 1: 2088: Done. 1: 2104: > cancel pwr 1: 2104: Done. 1: 2142: > cancel pwr 1: 2142: Done. 1: 2149: > cancel pwr 1: 2149: Done. 1: 2212: > cancel pwr 1: 2212: Done. 1: 2723: > cancel pwr 1: 2723: Done. 1: 2725: > cancel pwr 1: 2725: Done. 1: 2734: > cancel pwr 1: 2734: Done. 1: 2862: > cancel pwr 1: 2862: Done. 1: 2918: > cancel pwr 1: 2918: Done. 1: 2959: > cancel pwr 1: 2959: Done. 1: 2972: > cancel pwr 1: 2972: Done. 1: 3073: > cancel pwr 1: 3073: Done. 1: 3091: > cancel pwr 1: 3091: Done. 1: 544: > execute 509 1: 544: 1: 544: Pirililaeran [544] executes Feasel the Wicked [509] in Mt. 1: 544: Uldim [271]! 1: 544: 1: 1151: > use 9711 1: 1151: Spell preparation will take 13 days. 1: 1187: > sell 3 10 1: 1187: Sold ten war horses for 13,100 gold. 1: 1409: > unstack 1: 2149: Les Krostons V [1409] unstack from Cornouailles [2389]. 1: 1498: > promote 1903 1: 1498: Promoted Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903] within the stack. 1: 1809: > unstack 1: 2149: Protectors of the Pass [1809] unstack from Cornouailles [2389]. 1: 1904: > move 216 1: 1904: Will spend 11 days traveling to Antresk [216]. 1: 1958: > unstack 1: 2149: Guardians of the Pass [1958] unstack from Cornouailles [2389]. 1: 2086: > use 9445 W 1: 2086: Work to turn West route into a road. 1: 2086: Les Krostons II [2086] work to turn the West route from Mt. 1: 2086: Uldim into a road. 1: 2086: Les Krostons II [2086] work to turn the East route from Napich 1: 2086: into a road. 1: 2088: > set 0 IDLE "work" 1: 2088: Idle command for Les Krostons III [2088] set to 'work'. 1: 2149: > use 9246 1546 1: 2149: Spell preparation will take 11 days. 1: 2212: > use 106 1: 2212: Research general magic for 7 days. 1: 2725: > move 265 1: 2725: Will spend 42 days traveling to Napich [265]. 1: 2918: > stack 1187 1: 2918: Gertrude [2918] stacks under Les Crapeuleaux (***) [1187]. 1: 2959: > set 0 IDLE "work" 1: 2959: Idle command for Crapouilleux II [2959] set to 'work'. 1: 2972: > stack 1187 1: 2972: Crapouilleux III [2972] stack under Les Crapeuleaux (***) [1187]. 1: 544: > set 0 IDLE "study 101" 1: 544: Idle command for Pirililaeran [544] set to 'study 101'. 1: 1187: > buy 15 30 1: 1187: Bought 30 plate armor [15] for 4,200 gold. 1: 1409: > take 1809 10 14 1: 1409: Got 14 longswords from Protectors of the Pass [1809]. 1: 1498: > unstack 1: 2149: Battle Scared Veteran [1498] unstacks from Cornouailles [2389]. 1: 1809: > pay 1903 1000 1: 1809: Paid 1,000 gold to Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903]. 1: 1958: > give 1903 23 0 1: 1958: Gave 24 wild horses to Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903]. 1: 2972: > set 0 IDLE "work" 1: 2972: Idle command for Crapouilleux III [2972] set to 'work'. 1: 1187: > give 2972 15 30 1: 1187: Gave 30 plate armors to Crapouilleux III [2972]. 1: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 1: 1409: Gave 12 ore to Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903]. 1: 1498: > move 227 1: 1498: Will spend 5 days traveling to Celenth [227]. 1: 1809: > take 1903 15 0 1: 1809: Got six plate armors from Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903]. 1: 1958: > stack 1498 1: 1958: Guardians of the Pass [1958] stack under Battle Scared 1: 1958: Veteran [1498]. 1: 1187: > attack 4111 1: 1187: Prepare to attack Troll [4111]. 1: 1409: > stack 1498 1: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] stack under Battle Scared Veteran [1498]. 1: 1809: > stack 1498 1: 1809: Protectors of the Pass [1809] stack under Battle Scared 1: 1809: Veteran [1498]. 1: 544: > study 101 1: 544: Study military leadership at a cost of 2 gold per day for 14 1: 544: days. 1: 1288: > use 9653 1: 1288: Resumed training one war horse [3]. 1: 1542: > work 1: 1542: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 1: 1546: > assist 1903 1: 1546: Assist Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903] until project 1: 1546: completion. 1: 1606: > work 1: 1606: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 1: 1627: > work 1: 1627: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 1: 1682: > study 106 1: 1682: Study general magic at a cost of 10 gold per day for 14 days. 1: 1902: > study 108 1: 1902: Study construction at a cost of 2 gold per day for 14 days. 1: 1903: > use 9178 1: 1903: Resumed production of one plate armor [15]. 1: 2088: > work 1: 2088: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 1: 2104: > work 1: 2104: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 1: 2142: > work 1: 2142: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 1: 227: StarLight Courier-Areth [2518] engages in street performing. 1: 2723: > study 106 1: 2723: Study general magic at a cost of 10 gold per day for 14 days. 1: 2734: > study 109 1: 2734: Study forestry at a cost of 2 gold per day for 14 days. 1: 2862: > study 9246 1: 2862: Study Heal at a cost of 10 gold per day for 14 days. 1: 2918: > work 1: 2918: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 1: 2959: > work 1: 2959: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 1: 2972: > work 1: 2972: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 1: 3073: > work 1: 3073: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 1: 3091: > work 1: 3091: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 1: 206: 1: 206: Combat report: SuperM lord of the Desolated City [568] attacks 1: 206: Prenola's Puritan [2069] in Areth Pirn [206]! 1: 206: 1: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City [568], player character, 1: 206: skills: combat 1, stacked over: 1: 206: 1) Defenders [1197], number: 15, skills: combat 3, 1: 206: archery 2 1: 206: 2) Moria's workers [1728], number: 11 1: 206: 3) Beast Hunters [1747], number: 4 1: 206: 4) Fearie Dansers [1923], number: 10 1: 206: 5) Workers1 [2151], number: 40 1: 206: 6) l'ANPE [2035], number: 52 1: 206: 7) Workers6 [2651], individual 1: 206: 8) The Assiatant [1203], individual 1: 206: Prenola's Puritan [2069], individual, stacked over: 1: 206: 1) Prenola's Pet [2535], individual 1: 206: 1: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City has a +5 advantage in 1: 206: leadership. 1: 206: Prenola's Puritan is outnumbered 67-to-1. 1: 206: 1: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City uses one longsword, ten 1: 206: crossbows and 16 ring mails. Prenola's Puritan has no weapons or 1: 206: armor. 1: 206: 1: 206: 1: 206: Prenola's Puritan attempts to flee because of bad morale but is 1: 206: cut off! 1: 206: 1: 206: [568] [2069] 1: 206: 1: 206: round attack hits taken attack hits taken 1: 206: ----- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- 1: 206: 1. 10337 50 57 300 1: 206: 1: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City Prenola's Puritan 1: 206: Wounds: 50 - 1: 206: Losses: 0 (0%) 2 (100%) 1: 206: 1: 206: Prenola's Puritan [2069] was overwhelmed. 1: 206: Prenola's Pet [2535] was overwhelmed. 1: 206: 1: 206: Prenola's Puritan has been completely destroyed. 1: 206: Prenola's Pet has been completely destroyed. 1: 206: 1: 1187: 1: 1187: Combat report: Les Crapeuleaux (***) [1187] attack Troll [4111] 1: 1187: in Areth Lorbin [258]! 1: 1187: 1: 1187: Les Crapeuleaux (***) [1187], number: 2, all mounted, 1: 1187: skills: combat 6, equestrian 1, stacked over: 1: 1187: 1) Gertrude [2918], individual 1: 1187: 2) Crapouilleux III [2972], number: 30, skills: 1: 1187: combat 1 1: 1187: Troll [4111], troll, number: 1, armor 3 1: 1187: 1: 1187: Troll is outnumbered 33-to-1. 1: 1187: 1: 1187: Les Crapeuleaux (***) use 32 longswords, 32 plate armors and one 1: 1187: chain mail. 1: 1187: 1: 1187: [1187] [4111] 1: 1187: 1: 1187: round attack hits taken attack hits taken 1: 1187: ----- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- 1: 1187: 1. 2288 670 1125 156 1: 1187: 1: 1187: Les Crapeuleaux (***) Troll 1: 1187: Wounds: 70 - 1: 1187: Losses: 6 (18%) 1 (100%) 1: 1187: 1: 1187: Crapouilleux III [2972] sustains six deaths. 1: 1187: Troll [4111] was overwhelmed. 1: 1187: 1: 2972: Les Crapeuleaux (***) collect the following booty: 1: 2972: 693 gold [1] 1: 2972: 1: 1187: Troll has been completely destroyed. 1: 1187: 1: 217: 1: 217: Combat report: Wandering Willy [1246] attacks Sullivan [833] in 1: 217: Raskold [217]! 1: 217: 1: 217: Wandering Willy [1246], number: 4, skills: combat 2 1: 217: Sullivan [833], player character, stacked over: 1: 217: 1) Raven [1048], individual, skills: combat 0, 1: 217: archery 6 1: 217: 1: 217: Sullivan has a +1 advantage in leadership. 1: 217: Sullivan is outnumbered 2-to-1. 1: 217: 1: 217: Wandering Willy uses four longswords and four ring mails. 1: 217: Sullivan uses one javelin, one longbow, one chain mail and one 1: 217: ring mail. 1: 217: 1: 217: [1246] [833] 1: 217: 1: 217: round attack hits taken attack hits taken 1: 217: ----- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- 1: 217: 1. 436 184 303 283 1: 217: 1: 217: Wandering Willy Sullivan 1: 217: Wounds: 84 - 1: 217: Losses: 1 (25%) 2 (100%) 1: 217: 1: 217: Wandering Willy [1246] sustains one death. 1: 217: Sullivan [833] was overwhelmed. 1: 217: Raven [1048] was overwhelmed. 1: 217: 1: 217: Sullivan has been completely destroyed. 1: 217: Raven has been completely destroyed. 1: 217: 1: 216: 1: 216: Combat report: Michel O'Rourke [2509] attacks Coerg 1: 216: Earthdigger [2126] in Antresk [216]! 1: 216: 1: 216: Michel O'Rourke [2509], individual 1: 216: Coerg Earthdigger [2126], individual 1: 216: 1: 216: Michel O'Rourke has no weapons or armor. Coerg Earthdigger has no 1: 216: weapons or armor. 1: 216: 1: 216: [2509] [2126] 1: 216: 1: 216: round attack hits taken attack hits taken 1: 216: ----- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- 1: 216: 1. 8 22 22 8 1: 216: 2. 1 20 20 1 1: 216: 1: 216: Michel O'Rourke Coerg Earthdigger 1: 216: Wounds: - 9 1: 216: Losses: 1 (100%) 0 (0%) 1: 216: 1: 216: Michel O'Rourke [2509] was overwhelmed. 1: 216: 1: 216: Michel O'Rourke has been completely destroyed. 1: 216: 1: 206: Cirrus' Envoy [1029], number: 18, leaves for Pirn. 1: 258: Raven [1559], individual, with 1 horse, rides for South Lorbin. 1: 2212: Further training in general magic is necessary to learn more 1: 2212: through research. 2: 1187: > attack 4950 2: 1187: Prepare to attack Troll [4950]. 2: 2212: > study 106 2: 2212: Study general magic at a cost of 10 gold per day for 14 days. 2: 227: StarLight Courier-Areth [2518] engages in street performing. 2: 206: 2: 206: Combat report: SuperM lord of the Desolated City [568] attacks 2: 206: Amber Griffins, Second Brigade [1900] in Areth Pirn [206]! 2: 206: 2: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City [568], player character, 2: 206: skills: combat 1, stacked over: 2: 206: 1) Defenders [1197], number: 15, armor 1, skills: 2: 206: combat 3, archery 2 2: 206: 2) Moria's workers [1728], number: 11 2: 206: 3) Beast Hunters [1747], number: 4 2: 206: 4) Fearie Dansers [1923], number: 10 2: 206: 5) Workers1 [2151], number: 40 2: 206: 6) l'ANPE [2035], number: 52 2: 206: 7) Workers6 [2651], individual 2: 206: 8) The Assiatant [1203], individual 2: 206: Amber Griffins, Second Brigade [1900], number: 6, skills: 2: 206: combat 4, "wearing a black griffon emblem", stacked over: 2: 206: 1) Amber Griffins, Third Brigade [2494], number: 7, 2: 206: skills: combat 2, "wearing a black griffon emblem" 2: 206: 2: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City has a +8 advantage in 2: 206: leadership. 2: 206: Amber Griffins, Second Brigade is outnumbered 10-to-1. 2: 206: 2: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City uses one longsword, ten 2: 206: crossbows and 16 ring mails. Amber Griffins, Second Brigade uses 2: 206: six longswords and six chain mails. 2: 206: 2: 206: 2: 206: Amber Griffins, Second Brigade flees because of bad morale! 2: 206: 2: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City 2: 206: Amber Griffins, Second Brigade 2: 206: --------- --------- 2: 206: Wounds: 0 0 2: 206: Losses: 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2: 206: 2: 1187: 2: 1187: Combat report: Les Crapeuleaux (***) [1187] attack Troll [4950] 2: 1187: in Areth Lorbin [258]! 2: 1187: 2: 1187: Les Crapeuleaux (***) [1187], number: 2, all mounted, 2: 1187: skills: combat 6, equestrian 1, stacked over: 2: 1187: 1) Gertrude [2918], individual 2: 1187: 2) Crapouilleux III [2972], number: 24, skills: 2: 1187: combat 1 2: 1187: Troll [4950], troll, number: 1, armor 3 2: 1187: 2: 1187: Troll is outnumbered 27-to-1. 2: 1187: 2: 1187: Les Crapeuleaux (***) use 26 longswords, 26 plate armors and one 2: 1187: chain mail. 2: 1187: 2: 1187: [1187] [4950] 2: 1187: 2: 1187: round attack hits taken attack hits taken 2: 1187: ----- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- 2: 1187: 1. 1896 587 988 162 2: 1187: 2: 1187: Les Crapeuleaux (***) Troll 2: 1187: Wounds: 92 - 2: 1187: Losses: 5 (18%) 1 (100%) 2: 1187: 2: 1187: Crapouilleux III [2972] sustains five deaths. 2: 1187: Troll [4950] was overwhelmed. 2: 1187: 2: 2972: Les Crapeuleaux (***) collect the following booty: 2: 2972: 469 gold [1] 2: 2972: 2: 1187: Troll has been completely destroyed. 2: 1187: 2: 1542: 2: 1542: Combat report: Wandering Willy [1246] attacks Becassine [1542] 2: 1542: in Raskold [217]! 2: 1542: 2: 1542: Wandering Willy [1246], number: 3, skills: combat 2 2: 1542: Becassine [1542], individual 2: 1542: 2: 1542: Becassine is outnumbered 3-to-1. 2: 1542: 2: 1542: Wandering Willy uses three longswords, one chain mail and two 2: 1542: ring mails. Becassine has no weapons or armor. 2: 1542: 2: 1542: [1246] [1542] 2: 1542: 2: 1542: round attack hits taken attack hits taken 2: 1542: ----- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- 2: 1542: 1. 242 16 23 242 2: 1542: 2: 1542: Wandering Willy Becassine 2: 1542: Wounds: 16 - 2: 1542: Losses: 0 (0%) 1 (100%) 2: 1542: 2: 1542: Becassine [1542] was overwhelmed. 2: 1542: 2: 1542: Becassine has been completely destroyed. 2: 1542: 2: 2946: Earned 147 gold working at unskilled labor. 3: 1187: > use 9155 3: 1187: Engage in street performing for seven days. 3: 2946: > set 0 IDLE "work" 3: 2946: Idle command for Crapouilleux I [2946] set to 'work'. 3: 227: StarLight Courier-Areth [2518] engages in street performing. 3: 2946: > work 3: 2946: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 3: 206: 3: 206: Combat report: SuperM lord of the Desolated City [568] attacks 3: 206: Smith Brothers [1972] in Areth Pirn [206]! 3: 206: 3: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City [568], player character, 3: 206: skills: combat 1, stacked over: 3: 206: 1) Defenders [1197], number: 15, armor 1, skills: 3: 206: combat 3, archery 2 3: 206: 2) Moria's workers [1728], number: 11 3: 206: 3) Beast Hunters [1747], number: 4 3: 206: 4) Fearie Dansers [1923], number: 10 3: 206: 5) Workers1 [2151], number: 40 3: 206: 6) l'ANPE [2035], number: 52 3: 206: 7) Workers6 [2651], individual 3: 206: 8) The Assiatant [1203], individual 3: 206: Smith Brothers [1972], number: 8, "inquiring about their 3: 206: lost brethren" 3: 206: 3: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City has a +8 advantage in 3: 206: leadership. 3: 206: Smith Brothers are outnumbered 16-to-1. 3: 206: 3: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City uses one longsword, ten 3: 206: crossbows and 16 ring mails. Smith Brothers have no weapons or 3: 206: armor. 3: 206: 3: 206: 3: 206: Smith Brothers attempt to flee because of bad morale but are cut 3: 206: off! 3: 206: 3: 206: [568] [1972] 3: 206: 3: 206: round attack hits taken attack hits taken 3: 206: ----- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- 3: 206: 1. 14995 285 301 1339 3: 206: 3: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City Smith Brothers 3: 206: Wounds: 185 - 3: 206: Losses: 1 (0%) 8 (100%) 3: 206: 3: 206: l'ANPE [2035] sustains one death. 3: 206: Smith Brothers [1972] were overwhelmed. 3: 206: 3: 206: Smith Brothers have been completely destroyed. 3: 206: 3: 206: Amber Griffins, Second Brigade [1900], number: 6, "wearing a 3: 206: black griffon emblem", leaves for Raskold, with: 3: 206: 1) Amber Griffins, Third Brigade [2494], number: 7, 3: 206: "wearing a black griffon emblem" 4: 227: StarLight Courier-Areth [2518] engages in street performing. 4: 206: 4: 206: Combat report: SuperM lord of the Desolated City [568] attacks 4: 206: Erekosse [552] in Areth Pirn [206]! 4: 206: 4: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City [568], player character, 4: 206: skills: combat 1, stacked over: 4: 206: 1) Defenders [1197], number: 15, armor 1, skills: 4: 206: combat 3, archery 2 4: 206: 2) Moria's workers [1728], number: 11 4: 206: 3) Beast Hunters [1747], number: 4 4: 206: 4) Fearie Dansers [1923], number: 10 4: 206: 5) Workers1 [2151], number: 40 4: 206: 6) l'ANPE [2035], number: 51 4: 206: 7) Workers6 [2651], individual 4: 206: 8) The Assiatant [1203], individual 4: 206: Erekosse [552], individual, all mounted, skills: combat 2, 4: 206: archery 1, equestrian 1, "wearing a black griffon 4: 206: emblem" 4: 206: 4: 206: Erekosse is outnumbered 134-to-1. 4: 206: 4: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City uses one longsword, ten 4: 206: crossbows and 16 ring mails. Erekosse uses one longsword and one 4: 206: plate armor. 4: 206: 4: 206: 4: 206: Erekosse attempts to flee because of bad morale but is cut off! 4: 206: 4: 206: [568] [552] 4: 206: 4: 206: round attack hits taken attack hits taken 4: 206: ----- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- 4: 206: 1. 5709 140 149 96 4: 206: 2. 5676 2 5 94 4: 206: 4: 206: SuperM lord of the Desolated City Erekosse 4: 206: Wounds: 142 - 4: 206: Losses: 0 (0%) 1 (100%) 4: 206: 4: 206: Erekosse [552] was overwhelmed. 4: 206: 4: 206: Erekosse has been completely destroyed. 4: 206: 5: 206: Fearie Dansers [1923] engage in street performing. 5: 227: StarLight Courier-Areth [2518] engages in street performing. 5: 1809: Arrival at Celenth [227]. 5: 206: StarLight Courier-Green Team [1848], number: 7, with 12 horses, 5: 206: arrives in Areth Pirn from Raskold 5: 1903: Produced one plate armor [15]. 5: 1546: Finished assisting Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903]. 5: 2985: Collected 100 lumber [7]. 6: 1409: > stack 1498 6: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] and Battle Scared Veteran [1498] are 6: 1409: already in the same stack. 6: 1498: > message 2518 6: 1498: Message will be delivered to [2518]. 6: 1809: > stack 1498 6: 1809: Protectors of the Pass [1809] and Battle Scared Veteran [1498] 6: 1809: are already in the same stack. 6: 1958: > stack 1498 6: 1958: Guardians of the Pass [1958] and Battle Scared Veteran [1498] 6: 1958: are already in the same stack. 6: 2985: > set 0 IDLE "work" 6: 2985: Idle command for Crapouilleux IV [2985] set to 'work'. 6: 1809: > wait UNIT 2528 #T. Wayland 6: 1809: Wait until StarLight Courier-Pirn [2528] arrives. 6: 1958: > wait UNIT 1111 6: 1958: Wait until StarLight Courier- Drucartan [1111] arrives. 6: 1409: > use 9142 6: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 6: 1546: > assist 1903 6: 1546: Assist Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903] until project 6: 1546: completion. 6: 1809: > work 6: 1809: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 6: 1903: > use 9178 6: 1903: Started production of one plate armor [15]. 6: 1958: > work 6: 1958: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 6: 227: StarLight Courier-Areth [2518] engages in street performing. 6: 2985: > work 6: 2985: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 6: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 6: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 6: 1288: Trained one war horse [3]. 6: 206: StarLight Courier-Green Team [1848], number: 7, with 9 horses, 6: 206: leaves for Raskold. 6: 258: Savage [4461], savages, number: 2, armor 1, arrives in Areth 6: 258: Lorbin from Mt. Ormos 7: 1498: > attack 2518 #T. Wayland 7: 1498: Prepare to attack StarLight Courier-Areth [2518]. 7: 1288: > use 9653 7: 1288: Started training one war horse [3]. 7: 1409: > use 9142 7: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 7: 227: StarLight Courier-Areth [2518] engages in street performing. 7: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 7: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 7: 1498: 7: 1498: Combat report: Battle Scared Veteran [1498] attacks StarLight 7: 1498: Courier-Areth [2518] in Celenth [227]! 7: 1498: 7: 1498: Battle Scared Veteran [1498], individual, stacked over: 7: 1498: 1) Guardians of the Pass [1958], number: 28, skills: 7: 1498: combat 4, "Move it right along, stranger!" 7: 1498: 2) Les Krostons V [1409], number: 14 7: 1498: 3) Protectors of the Pass [1809], number: 331, skills: 7: 1498: combat 1 7: 1498: Prenola's Pit [2102], mine, strength: 3, stacked over: 7: 1498: 1) StarLight Courier-Areth [2518], number: 12 7: 1498: 7: 1498: Battle Scared Veteran has a +10 advantage in leadership. 7: 1498: StarLight Courier-Areth is outnumbered 31-to-1. 7: 1498: 7: 1498: Battle Scared Veteran uses 373 longswords, 45 plate armors, 12 7: 1498: chain mails and 42 bronze shields. StarLight Courier-Areth has no 7: 1498: weapons or armor. 7: 1498: 7: 1498: 7: 1498: StarLight Courier-Areth attempts to flee because of bad morale 7: 1498: but is cut off! 7: 1498: 7: 1498: [1498] [2518] 7: 1498: 7: 1498: round attack hits taken attack hits taken 7: 1498: ----- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- 7: 1498: 1. 72263 446 478 2366 7: 1498: 7: 1498: Battle Scared Veteran StarLight Courier-Areth 7: 1498: Wounds: 70 - 7: 1498: Losses: 4 (1%) 12 (100%) 7: 1498: 7: 1498: Protectors of the Pass [1809] sustain four deaths. 7: 1498: StarLight Courier-Areth [2518] were overwhelmed. 7: 1498: 7: 1809: Battle Scared Veteran collects the following booty: 7: 1809: 3,454 gold [1] 7: 1809: 7: 1498: Prenola's Pit [2102] has been lightly damaged by the battle. 7: 1498: 7: 1498: StarLight Courier-Areth has been completely destroyed. 7: 1498: 7: 1606: Earned 805 gold working at unskilled labor. 7: 1627: Earned 7 gold building wattle and daub huts for peasants. 7: 2088: Earned 147 gold working at unskilled labor. 7: 2104: Earned 7 gold working at unskilled labor. 7: 2142: Earned 7 gold hauling manure. 7: 2918: Earned 7 gold working at unskilled labor. 7: 2959: Earned 210 gold working at unskilled labor. 7: 2972: Earned 138 gold thatching roofs. 7: 3073: Earned 210 gold working at unskilled labor. 7: 3091: Earned 224 gold working at unskilled labor. 7: 258: Savage [4461], savages, number: 2, armor 1, leaves for Mt. 7: 258: Ormos. 8: 1498: > move 204 8: 1498: Battle Scared Veteran [1498] does not have enough small boats. 8: 1498: > wait UNTIL 18 8: 1498: Wait until day 18. 8: 1409: > use 9142 8: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 8: 1498: > study 101 8: 1498: Study military leadership at a cost of 2 gold per day for 14 8: 1498: days. 8: 1606: > work 8: 1606: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 8: 1627: > work 8: 1627: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 8: 2088: > work 8: 2088: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 8: 2104: > work 8: 2104: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 8: 2142: > work 8: 2142: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 8: 2918: > work 8: 2918: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 8: 2959: > work 8: 2959: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 8: 2972: > work 8: 2972: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 8: 3073: > work 8: 3073: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 8: 3091: > work 8: 3091: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 8: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 8: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 9: 1409: > use 9142 9: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 9: 272: Prenola's Pacesetter [1736] engages in street performing. 9: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 9: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 9: 1187: Earned 73 gold at street performing. 9: 2946: Earned 147 gold working at unskilled labor. 10: 1498: Battle Scared Veteran has recovered from illness. 10: 1187: > use 9155 10: 1187: Engage in street performing for seven days. 10: 1409: > use 9142 10: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 10: 2946: > work 10: 2946: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 10: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 10: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 10: 1903: Produced one plate armor [15]. 10: 1546: Finished assisting Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903]. 11: 1958: Guardians of the Pass have recovered from illness. 11: 1409: > use 9142 11: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 11: 1546: > assist 1903 11: 1546: Assist Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903] until project 11: 1546: completion. 11: 1903: > use 9178 11: 1903: Started production of one plate armor [15]. 11: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 11: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 11: 1904: Arrival at Antresk [216]. 11: 1546: The health of Les Krostons IV [1546] has been improved by 11: 1546: Antresk Healer I. Member RMA. [2149]. 12: 1904: > stack 1903 12: 1904: Les Krostons I [1904] stack under Cornouailles [2389]. 12: 2149: > use 9246 1903 12: 2149: Spell preparation will take 11 days. 12: 1904: > take 1903 23 0 12: 1904: Got 24 wild horses from Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903]. 12: 1904: > set 0 IDLE "use 9553" 12: 1904: Idle command for Les Krostons I [1904] set to 'use 9553'. 12: 1409: > use 9142 12: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 12: 1904: > use 9553 12: 1904: Started training one riding horse [4]. 12: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 12: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 12: 1809: Earned 2,293 gold working at unskilled labor. 12: 1958: Earned 196 gold building wattle and daub huts for peasants. 12: 2086: Built the West route from Mt. Uldim into a road. 12: 2086: Les Krostons II [2086] built the West route from Mt. Uldim into 12: 2086: a road. 12: 2086: Les Krostons II [2086] built the East route from Napich into a 12: 2086: road. 12: 2985: Earned 210 gold working at unskilled labor. 13: 1409: > use 9142 13: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 13: 1809: > work 13: 1809: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 13: 1958: > work 13: 1958: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 13: 2086: > work 13: 2086: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 13: 2985: > work 13: 2985: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 13: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 13: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 13: 1151: Undead corpses [6202] are summoned from their graves. Undead 13: 1151: corpses stack with Herr Doctor Von Cornelius [1151]. 13: 1151: Undead corpses [6202] unstack from Herr Doctor Von 13: 1151: Cornelius [1151]. 13: 1288: Trained one war horse [3]. 13: 1904: Trained one riding horse [4]. 14: 1151: > use 9711 14: 1151: Spell preparation will take 13 days. 14: 1288: > use 9653 14: 1288: Started training one war horse [3]. 14: 1409: > use 9142 14: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 14: 1904: > use 9553 14: 1904: Started training one riding horse [4]. 14: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 14: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 14: 544: Finished studying military leadership. 14: 1606: Earned 805 gold working at unskilled labor. 14: 1627: Earned 7 gold thatching roofs. 14: 1682: Finished studying general magic. 14: 1902: Finished studying construction. 14: 310: A traveller [2043], individual, with 1 horse, rides for Albrand. 14: 2088: Earned 147 gold digging ditches. 14: 2104: Earned 7 gold building town walls. 14: 2142: Earned 7 gold working at unskilled labor. 14: 2723: Finished studying general magic. 14: 2734: Finished studying forestry. 14: 2862: Finished studying Heal. 14: 2918: Earned 7 gold working at unskilled labor. 14: 2959: Earned 210 gold working at unskilled labor. 14: 2972: Earned 133 gold working at unskilled labor. 14: 3073: Earned 210 gold working on a large farm. 14: 3091: Earned 224 gold catching rats. 14: 216: Undead corpses [6202], undead, number: 18, leave for Raskold. 15: 544: > study 101 15: 544: Study military leadership at a cost of 2 gold per day for 14 15: 544: days. 15: 1409: > use 9142 15: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 15: 1606: > work 15: 1606: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 15: 1627: > work 15: 1627: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 15: 1682: > study 106 15: 1682: Study general magic at a cost of 10 gold per day for 14 days. 15: 1902: > study 108 15: 1902: Study construction at a cost of 2 gold per day for 14 days. 15: 2088: > work 15: 2088: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 15: 2104: > work 15: 2104: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 15: 2142: > work 15: 2142: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 15: 2723: > study 106 15: 2723: Study general magic at a cost of 10 gold per day for 14 days. 15: 2734: > study 109 15: 2734: Study forestry at a cost of 2 gold per day for 14 days. 15: 2862: > study 9246 15: 2862: Study Heal at a cost of 10 gold per day for 14 days. 15: 2918: > work 15: 2918: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 15: 2959: > work 15: 2959: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 15: 2972: > work 15: 2972: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 15: 3073: > work 15: 3073: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 15: 3091: > work 15: 3091: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 15: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 15: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 15: 1903: Produced one plate armor [15]. 15: 1546: Finished assisting Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903]. 15: 1904: Trained one riding horse [4]. 15: 2212: Finished studying general magic. 16: 1409: > use 9142 16: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 16: 1546: > assist 1903 16: 1546: Assist Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903] until project 16: 1546: completion. 16: 1903: > use 9178 16: 1903: Started production of one plate armor [15]. 16: 1904: > use 9553 16: 1904: Started training one riding horse [4]. 16: 2212: > study 106 16: 2212: Study general magic at a cost of 10 gold per day for 14 days. 16: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 16: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 16: 1187: Earned 77 gold at street performing. 16: 2946: Earned 147 gold assisting the brute squad. 16: 206: Lysandra's Lookout [3014], individual, arrives in Areth Pirn 16: 206: from Pirn 17: 1187: > use 9155 17: 1187: Engage in street performing for seven days. 17: 1409: > use 9142 17: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 17: 2946: > work 17: 2946: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 17: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 17: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 17: 1904: Trained one riding horse [4]. 17: 206: Lysandra's Lookout [3014], individual, leaves for Raskold. 18: 1498: Wait finished: today is day 18. 18: 1498: > message 1702 18: 1498: Message will be delivered to [1702]. 18: 1409: > use 9142 18: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 18: 1904: > use 9553 18: 1904: Started training one riding horse [4]. 18: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 18: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 19: 1498: > attack 1702 #oleg 19: 1498: Battle Scared Veteran [1498] is not in the same province as 19: 1498: [1702]. 19: 1498: > attack 1401 #oleg 19: 1498: Battle Scared Veteran [1498] is not in the same province as 19: 1498: [1401]. 19: 1498: > attack 2517 #oleg 19: 1498: Battle Scared Veteran [1498] is not in the same province as 19: 1498: [2517]. 19: 1498: > pay 1589 2000 19: 1498: Battle Scared Veteran [1498] is not in the same province as 19: 1498: [1589]. 19: 1498: > attack 1111 #T. Wayland 19: 1498: Battle Scared Veteran [1498] is not in the same province as 19: 1498: [1111]. 19: 1498: > attack 2030 #T. Wayland 19: 1498: Battle Scared Veteran [1498] is not in the same province as 19: 1498: [2030]. 19: 1498: > wait UNTIL 22 19: 1498: Wait until day 22. 19: 1409: > use 9142 19: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 19: 1498: > study 101 19: 1498: Study military leadership at a cost of 2 gold per day for 14 19: 1498: days. 19: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 19: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 19: 227: Cirrus' Envoy [1029], number: 18, arrives in Celenth from Pirn 19: 1288: Trained one war horse [3]. 19: 1809: Earned 2,289 gold collecting the dead. 19: 1904: Trained one riding horse [4]. 19: 1958: Earned 196 gold hauling manure. 19: 2086: Earned 105 gold smoothing village roads. 19: 2985: Earned 210 gold working at unskilled labor. 20: 1809: Protectors of the Pass [1809] report sickness among the men. 20: 1288: > use 9653 20: 1288: Started training one war horse [3]. 20: 1409: > use 9142 20: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 20: 1809: > work 20: 1809: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 20: 1904: > use 9553 20: 1904: Started training one riding horse [4]. 20: 1958: > work 20: 1958: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 20: 2086: > work 20: 2086: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 20: 2985: > work 20: 2985: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 20: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 20: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 20: 227: Cirrus' Envoy [1029], number: 18, leaves for Mt. Norgar. 20: 1903: Produced one plate armor [15]. 20: 1546: Finished assisting Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903]. 20: 310: Survey Team Golf [2807], individual, arrives in Faelgrar from 20: 310: Elakain 21: 310: Survey Team Golf [2807] disbands. 21: 1409: > use 9142 21: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 21: 1546: > assist 1903 21: 1546: Assist Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903] until project 21: 1546: completion. 21: 1903: > use 9178 21: 1903: Started production of one plate armor [15]. 21: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 21: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 21: 544: Attained military leadership level 3. 21: 1606: Earned 805 gold catching rats. 21: 1627: Earned 7 gold building town walls. 21: 1904: Trained one riding horse [4]. 21: 2088: Earned 147 gold working at unskilled labor. 21: 2104: Earned 7 gold assisting the brute squad. 21: 2142: Earned 7 gold working at unskilled labor. 21: 2918: Earned 7 gold thatching roofs. 21: 2959: Earned 210 gold working at unskilled labor. 21: 2972: Earned 133 gold working at unskilled labor. 21: 3073: Earned 210 gold working at unskilled labor. 21: 3091: Earned 224 gold thatching roofs. 22: 1498: Wait finished: today is day 22. 22: 1498: > move 227 22: 1498: Already in Celenth [227]. 22: 1498: > move 216 22: 1498: Battle Scared Veteran [1498] does not have enough small boats. 22: 1498: > stack 1903 22: 1498: Battle Scared Veteran [1498] is not in the same province as 22: 1498: [1903]. 22: 1409: > use 9142 22: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 22: 1498: > study 101 22: 1498: Study military leadership at a cost of 2 gold per day for 14 22: 1498: days. 22: 1606: > work 22: 1606: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 22: 1627: > work 22: 1627: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 22: 1904: > use 9553 22: 1904: Started training one riding horse [4]. 22: 2088: > work 22: 2088: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 22: 2104: > work 22: 2104: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 22: 2142: > work 22: 2142: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 22: 2918: > work 22: 2918: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 22: 2959: > work 22: 2959: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 22: 2972: > work 22: 2972: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 22: 3073: > work 22: 3073: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 22: 3091: > work 22: 3091: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 22: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 22: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 22: 1902: Attained construction level 9. 22: 1903: Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903] has been fully healed by 22: 1903: Antresk Healer I. Member RMA. [2149]. 23: 2149: > use 9246 dummy 23: 2149: Spell preparation will take 11 days. 23: 1409: > use 9142 23: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 23: 272: Prenola's Pacesetter [1736] engages in street performing. 23: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 23: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 23: 1187: Earned 79 gold at street performing. 23: 1904: Trained one riding horse [4]. 23: 2946: Earned 147 gold assisting the brute squad. 24: 1187: > use 9155 24: 1187: Engage in street performing for seven days. 24: 1409: > use 9142 24: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 24: 1904: > use 9553 24: 1904: Started training one riding horse [4]. 24: 2946: > work 24: 2946: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 24: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 24: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 25: 1409: > use 9142 25: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 25: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 25: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 25: 1903: Produced one plate armor [15]. 25: 1546: Finished assisting Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903]. 25: 1904: Trained one riding horse [4]. 25: 2723: Attained general magic level 5. 26: 206: Fearie Dansers [1923] engage in street performing. 26: 1409: > use 9142 26: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 26: 1546: > assist 1903 26: 1546: Assist Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903] until project 26: 1546: completion. 26: 1903: > use 9178 26: 1903: Started production of one plate armor [15]. 26: 1904: > use 9553 26: 1904: Started training one riding horse [4]. 26: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 26: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 26: 1151: Undead corpses [6081] are summoned from their graves. Undead 26: 1151: corpses stack with Herr Doctor Von Cornelius [1151]. 26: 1288: Trained one war horse [3]. 26: 1809: Earned 2,289 gold working at unskilled labor. 26: 1958: Earned 196 gold working at unskilled labor. 26: 2086: Earned 105 gold working at unskilled labor. 26: 2985: Earned 210 gold working at unskilled labor. 27: 1151: > study 106 27: 1151: Study general magic at a cost of 10 gold per day for 14 days. 27: 1288: > use 9653 27: 1288: Started training one war horse [3]. 27: 1409: > use 9142 27: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 27: 1809: > work 27: 1809: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 27: 1958: > work 27: 1958: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 27: 2086: > work 27: 2086: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 27: 2985: > work 27: 2985: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 27: 1151: Undead corpses [6081] unstack from Herr Doctor Von 27: 1151: Cornelius [1151]. 27: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 27: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 27: 1904: Trained one riding horse [4]. 27: 216: Undead corpses [6081], undead, number: 19, leave for Raskold. 28: 1409: > use 9142 28: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 28: 1904: > use 9553 28: 1904: Started training one riding horse [4]. 28: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 28: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 28: 544: Finished studying military leadership. 28: 1606: Earned 805 gold catching rats. 28: 1627: Earned 7 gold working at unskilled labor. 28: 1682: Finished studying general magic. 28: 1902: Finished studying construction. 28: 2088: Earned 147 gold working at unskilled labor. 28: 2104: Earned 7 gold working at unskilled labor. 28: 2142: Earned 7 gold working at unskilled labor. 28: 2723: Finished studying general magic. 28: 2734: Finished studying forestry. 28: 2862: Finished studying Heal. 28: 2918: Earned 7 gold collecting the dead. 28: 2959: Earned 210 gold working at unskilled labor. 28: 2972: Earned 133 gold working at unskilled labor. 28: 3073: Earned 210 gold building wattle and daub huts for peasants. 28: 3091: Earned 224 gold working at unskilled labor. 28: 206: Undead corpses [6202], undead, number: 18, arrive in Areth Pirn 28: 206: from Raskold 29: 544: > study 101 29: 544: Study military leadership at a cost of 2 gold per day for 14 29: 544: days. 29: 1409: > use 9142 29: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 29: 1606: > work 29: 1606: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 29: 1627: > work 29: 1627: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 29: 1682: > study 106 29: 1682: Study general magic at a cost of 10 gold per day for 14 days. 29: 1902: > study 108 29: 1902: Study construction at a cost of 2 gold per day for 14 days. 29: 2088: > work 29: 2088: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 29: 2104: > work 29: 2104: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 29: 2142: > work 29: 2142: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 29: 2723: > study 106 29: 2723: Study general magic at a cost of 10 gold per day for 14 days. 29: 2734: > study 109 29: 2734: Study forestry at a cost of 2 gold per day for 14 days. 29: 2862: > study 9246 29: 2862: Study Heal at a cost of 10 gold per day for 14 days. 29: 2918: > work 29: 2918: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 29: 2959: > work 29: 2959: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 29: 2972: > work 29: 2972: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 29: 3073: > work 29: 3073: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 29: 3091: > work 29: 3091: Work at unskilled labor for seven days. 29: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 29: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 29: 1904: Trained one riding horse [4]. 29: 2212: Finished studying general magic. 29: 206: Undead corpses [6202], undead, number: 18, leave for Raskold. 30: 1409: > use 9142 30: 1409: There are no deposits of ore [26] here to mine. 30: 1904: > use 9553 30: 1904: Started training one riding horse [4]. 30: 2212: > study 106 30: 2212: Study general magic at a cost of 10 gold per day for 14 days. 30: 1409: > give 1903 26 0 30: 1409: Les Krostons V [1409] are not in the same province as [1903]. 30: 1187: Earned 82 gold at street performing. 30: 1903: Produced one plate armor [15]. 30: 1546: Finished assisting Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903]. 30: 2946: Earned 147 gold working at unskilled labor. Next turn: month 2, spring, "Snowmelt", lasts 32 days. *** End of Turn *** Stack locations: --------------------------------------------- Entity Location ------ -------- Pirililaeran [544] Mt. Uldim [271] Herr Doctor Von Cornelius [1151] Antresk [216] Les Crapeuleaux (***) [1187] Areth Lorbin [258] A party of Adventurers (Beginners) [1288] Mt. Uldim [271] Les Krostons V [1409] Celenth [227] Battle Scared Veteran [1498] Celenth [227] Les Krostons IV [1546] Antresk [216] Partisans [1606] Mt. Uldim [271] Philomene [1627] Areth Pirn [206] Antresk Healer V. Member RMA. [1682] Mt. Uldim [271] Protectors of the Pass [1809] Celenth [227] K. Schloss, konstruktor spezialist [1902] Mt. Uldim [271] Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903] Antresk [216] Les Krostons I [1904] Antresk [216] Guardians of the Pass [1958] Celenth [227] Les Krostons II [2086] Mt. Uldim [271] Les Krostons III [2088] Mt. Uldim [271] Pimpf [2104] Faelgrar [310] Celimene [2142] Celenth [227] Antresk Healer I. Member RMA. [2149] Antresk [216] Antresk Healer II. Member RMA. [2212] Mt. Uldim [271] Antresk Healer III. Member RMA. [2723] Mt. Uldim [271] Cunegonde [2725] 12 days from Napich [265] Antresk Brewing Co, Inc [2734] Mt. Uldim [271] Antresk Healer IV. Member RMA. [2862] Mt. Uldim [271] Gertrude [2918] Areth Lorbin [258] Crapouilleux I [2946] Napich [265] Crapouilleux II [2959] Ceonak [272] Crapouilleux III [2972] Areth Lorbin [258] Crapouilleux IV [2985] Illinod [267] Crapouilleux V [3073] Mt. Uldim [271] Crapouilleux VI [3091] Mt. Uldim [271] Unit maintenance costs: --------------------------------------------- Unit Number Costs ---- ------ ----- Pirililaeran [544] 1 - Herr Doctor Von Cornelius [1151] 1 32 Les Crapeuleaux (***) [1187] 2 50 A party of Adventurers (Beginners) [1288] 5 150 Les Krostons V [1409] 14 294 Battle Scared Veteran [1498] 1 25 Les Krostons IV [1546] 5 100 Partisans [1606] 115 1,840 Philomene [1627] 1 15 Antresk Healer V. Member RMA. [1682] 1 22 Protectors of the Pass [1809] 327 5,232 K. Schloss, konstruktor spezialist [1902] 1 32 Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903] 1 34 Les Krostons I [1904] 15 315 Guardians of the Pass [1958] 28 616 Les Krostons II [2086] 15 315 Les Krostons III [2088] 21 357 Pimpf [2104] 1 16 Celimene [2142] 1 15 Antresk Healer I. Member RMA. [2149] 1 21 Antresk Healer II. Member RMA. [2212] 1 22 Antresk Healer III. Member RMA. [2723] 1 22 Cunegonde [2725] 1 15 Antresk Brewing Co, Inc [2734] 1 23 Antresk Healer IV. Member RMA. [2862] 1 22 Gertrude [2918] 1 15 Crapouilleux I [2946] 21 420 Crapouilleux II [2959] 30 540 Crapouilleux III [2972] 19 342 Crapouilleux IV [2985] 30 540 Crapouilleux V [3073] 30 570 Crapouilleux VI [3091] 32 480 ====== ====== 725 12,492 Character report: --------------------------------------------- Pirililaeran [544]: male, player character, individual, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "study 101" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 202 gold [1] 0 1 war horse [3] 250 cap 300 1 longsword [10] 8 wpn 10 1 bronze shield [11] 13 arm 2 1 plate armor [15] 35 arm 5 22 jewels [27] 22 ====== 328 Carrying capacity: 78/450 walking, 428/0 river, 178/300 mounted Default attitude: Neutral Declared faction-to-faction attitudes: Cooperative towards a poor, lonesome amazon [557] Cooperative towards VM prince of Teichmuller spaces [578] Faction attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 101 Military leadership, level 3 102 Combat, level 4 105 Stealth, level 2 106 General magic, level 3 9120 Read magic in entity, level 0 9121 Resist read magic, level 0 9246 Heal, level 1 9301 Summon rain, level 0 9302 Summon fog, level 0 9303 Change wind to calm, level 0 110 Equestrian, level 1 9513 Ride horses in combat, level 1 114 Mining, level 7 9139 Stone cutting, level 1 9142 Mine ore, level 1 9154 Mine gold, level 1 9161 Mine jewels, level 1 9165 Assess deposits, level 1 Herr Doctor Von Cornelius [1151]: male, individual, loyalty 45, health 86/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "study 106" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 18,824 gold [1] 0 102 small boats [5] 10,200 cap 51,000 ====== 10,200 Carrying capacity: 10,200/150 walking, 100/51,000 river, 10,300/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 105 Stealth, level 3 106 General magic, level 5 9120 Read magic in entity, level 0 9121 Resist read magic, level 1 9225 Haste, level 3 9227 Slow, level 2 9246 Heal, level 1 9301 Summon rain, level 0 9302 Summon fog, level 0 9303 Change wind to calm, level 0 9401 Calyxian snakes, level 0 9711 Summon undead, level 1 9823 Create dragon men, level 1 Les Crapeuleaux (***) [1187]: male, number: 2, loyalty 67, health 79/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 11,210 gold [1] 0 2 war horses [3] 500 cap 600 12 longswords [10] 96 wpn 10/ea 12 plate armors [15] 420 arm 5/ea 53 faery gold [25] 0 ====== 1,016 Carrying capacity: 516/900 walking, 1,216/0 river, 716/600 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 102 Combat, level 6 110 Equestrian, level 1 9513 Ride horses in combat, level 1 113 Entertainment, level 1 9155 Street performing, level 1 A party of Adventurers (Beginners) [1288]: male, number: 5, loyalty 64, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "use 9653" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 49 gold [1] 0 13 war horses [3] 3,250 cap 3,900 5 longswords [10] 40 wpn 10/ea 5 chain mails [13] 140 arm 4/ea 14 wild horses [23] 2,800 ====== 6,230 Carrying capacity: 180/4,650 walking, 6,730/0 river, 680/3,900 mounted Declared character-to-character attitudes: Cooperative towards Silbur [545] Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 102 Combat, level 3 110 Equestrian, level 7 9209 Breed horses, level 1 9513 Ride horses in combat, level 1 9523 Catch wild horses, level 1 9553 Train wild horse to riding horse, level 1 9653 Train wild horse to war horse, level 1 Les Krostons V [1409]: male, number: 14, loyalty 64, health 85/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "use 9142;give 1903 26 0" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 188 gold [1] 0 14 longswords [10] 112 wpn 10/ea ====== 112 Carrying capacity: 112/2,100 walking, 1,512/0 river, 1,512/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 114 Mining, level 3 9139 Stone cutting, level 1 9142 Mine ore, level 2 Battle Scared Veteran [1498]: male, individual, loyalty 89, health 76/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "study 101" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 12,397 gold [1] 0 1 small boat [5] 100 cap 500 1 plate armor [15] 35 arm 5 ====== 135 Carrying capacity: 135/150 walking, 135/500 river, 235/0 mounted Default attitude: Neutral Declared character-to-faction attitudes: Cooperative towards a poor, lonesome amazon [557] Cooperative towards VM prince of Teichmuller spaces [578] Declared character-to-character attitudes: Cooperative toward Rainbow Warriors [2926] Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 101 Military leadership, level 9 112 Observation, level 1 Les Krostons IV [1546]: male, number: 5, loyalty 74, health 61/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "assist 1903" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 14 gold [1] 0 ====== 0 Carrying capacity: 0/750 walking, 500/0 river, 500/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 117 Weaponsmithing, level 2 9172 Make lances, level 1 9176 Make bronze shields, level 1 9180 Make leather jerkin, level 1 Partisans [1606]: male, number: 115, loyalty 63, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 4,956 gold [1] 0 111 longswords [10] 888 wpn 10/ea ====== 888 Carrying capacity: 888/17,250 walking, 12,388/0 river, 12,388/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 102 Combat, level 1 Philomene [1627]: female, individual, loyalty 60, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 153 gold [1] 0 ====== 0 Carrying capacity: 0/150 walking, 100/0 river, 100/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: None Antresk Healer V. Member RMA. [1682]: male, individual, loyalty 60, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "study 106" Carrying capacity: 0/150 walking, 100/0 river, 100/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 106 General magic, level 5 9120 Read magic in entity, level 0 9121 Resist read magic, level 0 9246 Heal, level 2 Protectors of the Pass [1809]: male, number: 327, loyalty 59, health 62/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 13,609 gold [1] 0 434 longswords [10] 3,472 wpn 10/ea 42 bronze shields [11] 546 arm 2/ea 12 chain mails [13] 336 arm 4/ea 16 plate armors [15] 560 arm 5/ea ====== 4,914 Carrying capacity: 4,914/49,050 walking, 37,614/0 river, 37,614/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 102 Combat, level 1 K. Schloss, konstruktor spezialist [1902]: male, individual, loyalty 64, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "study 108" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 73 gold [1] 0 ====== 0 Carrying capacity: 0/150 walking, 100/0 river, 100/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 108 Construction, level 9 9251 Build castle, level 1 9258 Build tower, level 1 9445 Build road, level 1 9467 Repair structure, level 1 9521 Build house, level 1 9627 Fortify structure, level 1 9639 Build temple, level 1 9654 Build mine, level 1 Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903]: male, individual, loyalty 76, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "use 9178" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 932 gold [1] 0 22 small boats [5] 2,200 cap 11,000 289 stone [8] 72,250 6 plate armors [15] 210 arm 5/ea 81 ore [26] 810 ====== 75,470 Carrying capacity: 75,470/150 walking, 73,370/11,000 river, 75,570/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 117 Weaponsmithing, level 8 9171 Make longswords, level 1 9172 Make lances, level 1 9173 Make javelins, level 1 9174 Make crossbows, level 1 9175 Make longbows, level 1 9176 Make bronze shields, level 1 9177 Make chain mail, level 1 9178 Make plate armor, level 1 9179 Make leather armor, level 1 9180 Make leather jerkin, level 1 9181 Make ring mail, level 1 Les Krostons I [1904]: male, number: 15, loyalty 58, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "use 9553" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 9 riding horses [4] 1,800 cap 2,250 43 wild horses [23] 8,600 ====== 10,400 Carrying capacity: 0/4,500 walking, 11,900/0 river, 1,500/2,250 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 110 Equestrian, level 3 9513 Ride horses in combat, level 1 9523 Catch wild horses, level 1 9553 Train wild horse to riding horse, level 1 Guardians of the Pass [1958]: male, number: 28, loyalty 78, health 85/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 1,768 gold [1] 0 1 war horse [3] 250 cap 300 31 small boats [5] 3,100 cap 15,500 30 longswords [10] 240 wpn 10/ea 30 plate armors [15] 1,050 arm 5/ea ====== 4,640 Carrying capacity: 4,390/4,500 walking, 4,340/15,500 river, 7,190/300 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 102 Combat, level 4 108 Construction, level 1 9445 Build road, level 1 9467 Repair structure, level 1 Les Krostons II [2086]: male, number: 15, loyalty 69, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "work" Carrying capacity: 0/2,250 walking, 1,500/0 river, 1,500/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 108 Construction, level 2 9445 Build road, level 1 9467 Repair structure, level 1 9521 Build house, level 1 9627 Fortify structure, level 1 Les Krostons III [2088]: male, number: 21, loyalty 52, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 399 gold [1] 0 12 stone [8] 3,000 ====== 3,000 Carrying capacity: 3,000/3,150 walking, 5,100/0 river, 5,100/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 114 Mining, level 1 9139 Stone cutting, level 1 Pimpf [2104]: male, individual, loyalty 23, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 84 gold [1] 0 ====== 0 Carrying capacity: 0/150 walking, 100/0 river, 100/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 112 Observation, level 1 Celimene [2142]: female, individual, loyalty 60, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 275 gold [1] 0 1 small boat [5] 100 cap 500 ====== 100 Carrying capacity: 100/150 walking, 100/500 river, 200/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: None Antresk Healer I. Member RMA. [2149]: male, individual, loyalty 67, health 96/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "study 9246" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 1,120 gold [1] 0 ====== 0 Carrying capacity: 0/150 walking, 100/0 river, 100/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 106 General magic, level 3 9120 Read magic in entity, level 0 9121 Resist read magic, level 0 9246 Heal, level 3 Antresk Healer II. Member RMA. [2212]: male, individual, loyalty 68, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "study 106" Carrying capacity: 0/150 walking, 100/0 river, 100/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 106 General magic, level 5 9120 Read magic in entity, level 0 9121 Resist read magic, level 0 9246 Heal, level 2 9301 Summon rain, level 0 9302 Summon fog, level 0 9303 Change wind to calm, level 0 Antresk Healer III. Member RMA. [2723]: male, individual, loyalty 53, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "study 106" Carrying capacity: 0/150 walking, 100/0 river, 100/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 106 General magic, level 5 9120 Read magic in entity, level 0 9121 Resist read magic, level 0 9246 Heal, level 2 Cunegonde [2725]: female, individual, loyalty 67, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 13,524 gold [1] 0 20 oxen [6] 20,000 cap 50,000 59 faery gold [25] 0 ====== 20,000 Carrying capacity: 0/50,150 walking, 20,100/0 river, 20,100/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: None Antresk Brewing Co, Inc [2734]: male, individual, loyalty 65, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "study 109" Carrying capacity: 0/150 walking, 100/0 river, 100/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 109 Forestry, level 6 9201 Cut timber, level 1 9202 Harvest yew, level 1 Antresk Healer IV. Member RMA. [2862]: male, individual, loyalty 60, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "study 9246" Carrying capacity: 0/150 walking, 100/0 river, 100/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 106 General magic, level 2 9120 Read magic in entity, level 0 9121 Resist read magic, level 0 9246 Heal, level 5 Gertrude [2918]: female, individual, loyalty 73, health 66/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 0% injured (avoid combat), idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 83 gold [1] 0 1 chain mail [13] 28 arm 4 ====== 28 Carrying capacity: 28/150 walking, 128/0 river, 128/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: None Crapouilleux I [2946]: male, number: 21, loyalty 68, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 0% injured (avoid combat), idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 873 gold [1] 0 30 longswords [10] 240 wpn 10/ea 50 wild horses [23] 10,000 ====== 10,240 Carrying capacity: 240/3,150 walking, 12,340/0 river, 2,340/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 102 Combat, level 1 110 Equestrian, level 2 9513 Ride horses in combat, level 1 9523 Catch wild horses, level 1 Crapouilleux II [2959]: male, number: 30, loyalty 54, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 0% injured (avoid combat), idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 618 gold [1] 0 30 longswords [10] 240 wpn 10/ea ====== 240 Carrying capacity: 240/4,500 walking, 3,240/0 river, 3,240/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 102 Combat, level 1 109 Forestry, level 1 9201 Cut timber, level 1 Crapouilleux III [2972]: male, number: 19, loyalty 54, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 0% injured (avoid combat), idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 726 gold [1] 0 56 lumber [7] 2,520 30 longswords [10] 240 wpn 10/ea 30 plate armors [15] 1,050 arm 5/ea 335 faery gold [25] 0 ====== 3,810 Carrying capacity: 3,810/2,850 walking, 5,710/0 river, 5,710/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 102 Combat, level 1 109 Forestry, level 1 9201 Cut timber, level 1 Crapouilleux IV [2985]: male, number: 30, loyalty 50, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 0% injured (avoid combat), idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 712 gold [1] 0 290 lumber [7] 13,050 30 longswords [10] 240 wpn 10/ea ====== 13,290 Carrying capacity: 13,290/4,500 walking, 16,290/0 river, 16,290/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 102 Combat, level 1 109 Forestry, level 1 9201 Cut timber, level 1 Crapouilleux V [3073]: male, number: 30, loyalty 52, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 1,760 gold [1] 0 ====== 0 Carrying capacity: 0/4,500 walking, 3,000/0 river, 3,000/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 109 Forestry, level 1 9201 Cut timber, level 1 114 Mining, level 1 9139 Stone cutting, level 1 Crapouilleux VI [3091]: male, number: 32, loyalty 59, health 100/100, fatigue 0/100, flee when 50% injured, idle command: "work" Inventory: qty item weight --- ---- ------ 1,490 gold [1] 0 ====== 0 Carrying capacity: 0/4,800 walking, 3,200/0 river, 3,200/0 mounted Attack mode: not set (defaults to kill) Skills known: 106 General magic, level 0 9246 Heal, level 0 Location descriptions: -------------------------------------------- Areth Pirn [206], city, ocean port, population: 480 Routes leaving Areth Pirn: Northeast, wilderness, to Raskold [217], 4 days East, wilderness, to Pirn [223], 4 days Southeast, wilderness, to Aerondor [215], 6 days West, ocean, to Aceum Sea [602], 3 days Market report: Areth Pirn District of Commerce [415], market item description buys at sells for weight ---- ----------- ------- --------- ------ 4 riding horse 910 990 200 cap 250 7 lumber 28 34 45 9 crossbow 29 32 12 wpn 15 11 bronze shield 14 19 13 arm 2 21 leather jerkin 7 8 10 arm 1 22 ring mail 33 38 24 arm 3 Region features: Sorcerors Tower [3306], tower, guild [3106], 99% damaged, strength: 2, stacked over: 1) Maia, enchanteress [1981], individual 2) Rasputin [891], player character 3) Captain of the guard (Areth Pirn) [1084], individual 4) Derek Holyblast [530], player character, "entranced...or drunk" 5) Homeless Paladins [2071], number: 271, "sans foyer ni loyer" Seen here: SuperM lord of the Desolated City [568], player character, with 1 small boat, stacked over: 1) Defenders [1197], number: 15, with 1 horse 2) Moria's workers [1728], number: 11 3) Beast Hunters [1747], number: 4 4) Fearie Dansers [1923], number: 10 5) Workers1 [2151], number: 40 6) l'ANPE [2035], number: 51 7) Workers6 [2651], individual 8) The Assiatant [1203], individual Arhhain's guards [1247], number: 20, with 41 small boats Les choristes reunis [1263], number: 28 Orzolias [1394], individual, "Guetteur indien" Begging Priests Inc. [1553], individual Philomene [1627], individual Ragnarok [1697], number: 12 Baluchiterium [1698], number: 84 Titanothere [1725], number: 35 Statu quo [1761], individual Orchestre philharmonique de Cnossa [1896], number: 59 Diplodocus [1966], number: 32 Loony Loner [2082], individual, "just standing there" Poulet basquaise [2214], number: 131 Les 7 merveilles du monde [2255], individual Hare Krishna [2267], individual 13 Brigade [2608], individual StarLight Courier-Vender [2871], individual Ships docked at port: Prenola's Parch [2774], clipper, capacity: 100/1,000 (10%), stacked over: 1) Prenola's Person [2493], individual -------------------------------------------- Antresk [216], mountain, population: 9,931 Routes leaving Antresk: South, River Asart, river, to Celenth [227], 5 days Southwest, road, to Raskold [217], 11 days Northwest, impassable, to Uldim Pass [261], 7 days Region features: Cornouailles [2389], tower, 95% damaged, strength: 2, stacked over: 1) Uldim Pass Souvenirs shop [1903], individual, with 22 small boats, "- Yes! We're open! -" 2) Les Krostons IV [1546], number: 5 3) Antresk Healer I. Member RMA. [2149], individual 4) Les Krostons I [1904], number: 15, with 52 horses Seen here: Herr Doctor Von Cornelius [1151], individual, with 102 small boats Coerg Earthdigger [2126], individual The Lost Wanderers [2324], number: 11 -------------------------------------------- Celenth [227], town, population: 9,775, weather: fog Routes leaving Celenth: North, River Asart, river, to Antresk [216], 5 days Northeast, wilderness, to Mt. Norgar [229], 13 days Southeast, wilderness, to Baraxes [232], 15 days South, River Asart, river, to Cnossa [204], 9 days West, wilderness, to Pirn [223], 15 days Northwest, wilderness, to Raskold [217], 19 days Region features: Prenola's Pit [2102], mine, 98% damaged, strength: 3 Seen here: Battle Scared Veteran [1498], individual, with 1 small boat, stacked over: 1) Guardians of the Pass [1958], number: 28, with 1 horse, 31 small boats, "Move it right along, stranger!" 2) Les Krostons V [1409], number: 14 3) Protectors of the Pass [1809], number: 327 The pros and cons of Hitch Hiking [1587], number: 20, stacked over: 1) Quelques choristes [2121], number: 27 2) Fenris Moonbane [2372], individual, "back from Valhalla" 3) Des touristes egares [2414], individual Celimene [2142], individual, with 1 small boat Rowin'Rob [3002], individual, with 21 small boats -------------------------------------------- Areth Lorbin [258], town, ocean port, population: 461, weather: calm Routes leaving Areth Lorbin: North, wilderness, to Mt. Ormos [257], 13 days East, wilderness, to Lorbin [273], 13 days Southeast, wilderness, to Ceonak [272], 18 days South, wilderness, to South Lorbin [259], 7 days West, ocean, to Pyrellica Sea [633], 3 days Market report: Areth Lorbin Bazaar [430], market item description buys at sells for weight ---- ----------- ------- --------- ------ 3 war horse 1,310 1,440 250 cap 300 4 riding horse 750 830 200 cap 250 6 ox 100 109 1,000 cap 2,500 7 lumber 29 33 45 9 crossbow 25 29 12 wpn 15 10 longsword 19 25 8 wpn 10 13 chain mail 80 85 28 arm 4 15 plate armor 130 140 35 arm 5 16 leather armor 34 40 15 arm 2 Seen here: Les Crapeuleaux (***) [1187], number: 2, with 2 horses, stacked over: 1) Gertrude [2918], individual 2) Crapouilleux III [2972], number: 19 -------------------------------------------- Napich [265], plain, population: 365 Routes leaving Napich: North, wilderness, to Ceonak [272], 18 days Northeast, wilderness, to Provinia [264], 22 days East, road, to Mt. Uldim [271], 3 days Southwest, wilderness, to Mohamigoth Forest [260], 11 days Northwest, wilderness, to South Lorbin [259], 21 days Seen here: Crapouilleux I [2946], number: 21, with 50 horses -------------------------------------------- Illinod [267], forest, population: 114 Routes leaving Illinod: North, wilderness, to Iniera [269], 10 days East, wilderness, to Carim [268], 20 days Southeast, wilderness, to Coinbalth [270], 16 days West, wilderness, to Provinia [264], 11 days Northwest, wilderness, to Cyllenedos [266], 9 days Seen here: Crapouilleux IV [2985], number: 30 Troll [3449], troll, number: 1, armor 4 -------------------------------------------- Mt. Uldim [271], mountain, population: 129 Routes leaving Mt. Uldim: North, road, to Provinia [264], 10 days East, road, to Coinbalth [270], 10 days Southeast, impassable, to Uldim Pass [261], 11 days West, road, to Napich [265], 3 days Seen here: Pirililaeran [544], player character, armor 1, with 1 horse, stacked over: 1) Partisans [1606], number: 115 2) Les Krostons II [2086], number: 15 3) Antresk Healer V. Member RMA. [1682], individual 4) Antresk Healer II. Member RMA. [2212], individual 5) Antresk Healer III. Member RMA. [2723], individual 6) Crapouilleux V [3073], number: 30 7) Les Krostons III [2088], number: 21 8) Antresk Brewing Co, Inc [2734], individual 9) Antresk Healer IV. Member RMA. [2862], individual 10) K. Schloss, konstruktor spezialist [1902], individual 11) A party of Adventurers (Beginners) [1288], number: 5, with 27 horses Crapouilleux VI [3091], number: 32 -------------------------------------------- Ceonak [272], town, population: 475 Routes leaving Ceonak: North, wilderness, to Lorbin [273], 17 days Northeast, wilderness, to Cyllenedos [266], 20 days South, wilderness, to Napich [265], 18 days Southwest, wilderness, to South Lorbin [259], 24 days Northwest, wilderness, to Areth Lorbin [258], 18 days Region features: Library of the Ancients [3325], tower, guild [3125], strength: 2, stacked over: 1) Prenola's Pacesetter [1736], individual Seen here: Crapouilleux II [2959], number: 30 -------------------------------------------- Faelgrar [310], forest, population: 339, weather: wind Routes leaving Faelgrar: Northeast, wilderness, to Ragnar [308], 25 days Southwest, wilderness, to Albrand [320], 22 days Northwest, wilderness, to Elakain [309], 25 days Seen here: Pimpf [2104], individual Deaths last month: --------------------------------------------- _____ / \ | | | R.I.P.| | | | \|/ | | | | | / \ Hyren Baranur [522], died under attack from Fourre-moi avec un marteau-piquer [1702] in Cnossa [204]. Chaos [551], died attacking Aoz Roon [1589] in Drucartan [224]. Tharkin the Cool [811], died under attack from Samuel [2232] in Caburh [298]. Briareos [815], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in West Urvil [313]. Delf the Crazed [836], died attacking Shakti [871] in Caburh [298]. Sarogin Bellewood [843], died under attack from Sikinthal [2290] in Grindor [304]. Varian [856], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in West Urvil [313]. Rumil Tauron [865], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in Atnos Forest [326]. Possoegrenoe [883], died under attack from tete [2566] in Maire [322]. Mirage [917], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in Torba Bacor [306]. Don Quixote [921], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in West Urvil [313]. Berton Ernie [924], died under attack from istipikos [2044] in Dezarne [325]. Garan [1008], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in Torba Bacor [306]. Rough Riders [1013], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in Atnos Forest [326]. Deunan Knute [1053], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in North Atnos [324]. Shamino [1061], died attacking Shakti [871] in Caburh [298]. Sancho Panza [1075], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in West Urvil [313]. Hindur Swift-Eye [1121], died under attack from Fourre-moi avec un marteau-piquer [1702] in Cnossa [204]. Peasants of Valhalla [1160], died attacking Aoz Roon [1589] in Drucartan [224]. Thorlief Larsen [1199], died from the plague in Drassa [201]. Hamish [1244], died from the plague in Descarq Island [241]. The Black Corsair [1251], died under attack from Chaos [551] in Drucartan [224]. Farthor [1256], died under attack from Chaos [551] in Drucartan [224]. Zabois [1322], died attacking Shakti [871] in Caburh [298]. Guges [1333], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in North Atnos [324]. The Order [1339], died under attack from Samuel [2232] in Caburh [298]. Shiriwan Green [1404], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in Torba Bacor [306]. Shillelagh Rangers [1427], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in Torba Bacor [306]. Roque Guinart [1429], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in West Urvil [313]. Grover [1432], died under attack from istipikos [2044] in Dezarne [325]. Gang of Thieves [1449], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in West Urvil [313]. Bob [1452], died under attack from istipikos [2044] in Dezarne [325]. Guardians [1460], died under attack from Samuel [2232] in Caburh [298]. chain gang [1503], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in West Urvil [313]. Aliera [1523], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in North Atnos [324]. Morrolan [1525], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in North Atnos [324]. Prenola's Punisher [1554], died from the plague in Shotluth [231]. Guys [1616], died under attack from Fourre-moi avec un marteau-piquer [1702] in Cnossa [204]. Silandra [1653], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in North Atnos [324]. Work Team [1684], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in West Urvil [313]. Tobin The Guild Theif [1710], died attacking Shakti [871] in Caburh [298]. Un Cherbos magique [1735], died from the plague in Rimmon [203]. 5th Brigade [1783], died under attack from Grey Fane [2024] in Shotluth [231]. 6th Brigade [1791], died under attack from Grey Fane [2024] in Shotluth [231]. De Planloese [1858], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in Torba Bacor [306]. Roughriders [1874], died under attack from Samuel [2232] in Caburh [298]. Backbreakers [1888], died under attack from Samuel [2232] in Caburh [298]. Cnossans [1920], died under attack from Fourre-moi avec un marteau-piquer [1702] in Cnossa [204]. The Players [1933], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in West Urvil [313]. The Argent Watch [1939], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in West Urvil [313]. The Singing Lackey [1942], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in Atnos Forest [326]. Ulanu [1943], died under attack from Savage [5085] in Ragnar [308]. Touchstone [1947], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in West Urvil [313]. Tauron's men [1950], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in Atnos Forest [326]. Trader Bundy [1962], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in Atnos Forest [326]. Brother Marcinkus [1965], died under attack from Grey Fane [2024] in Shotluth [231]. Recruits [1990], died attacking Shakti [871] in Caburh [298]. Lupus [1992], died under attack from Fourre-moi avec un marteau-piquer [1702] in Cnossa [204]. Colin & Maillard [1997], died under attack from The Dancing Fool [2625] in Atnos [305]. Captain Orome [2019], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in Atnos Forest [326]. Aragorn [2021], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in Atnos Forest [326]. Delf's Imperial Army [2041], died attacking Shakti [871] in Caburh [298]. un Vmaillot bouseux [2143], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in Torba Bacor [306]. un Vmaillot bien Gras [2217], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in North Atnos [324]. Samuel [2232], died attacking Shakti [871] in Caburh [298]. Firebird [2401], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in Atnos Forest [326]. Jerry I [2420], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in North Atnos [324]. Mavis, honorable wife of Badger [2437], died under attack from Bastion of Law [2512] in Chardia [354]. Cham [2458], died under attack from Grey Fane [2024] in Shotluth [231]. Pe'lon [2485], died from the plague in Drassa [201]. workers2 [2499], died under attack from Grey Fane [2024] in Shotluth [231]. Worthy Peasants [2503], died under attack from Chaos [551] in Drucartan [224]. Recruiting Agency [2506], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in Atnos Forest [326]. Kilp's Assistants [2508], died attacking Shakti [871] in Caburh [298]. remsuvatemeh [2568], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in West Urvil [313]. Cliff Hanger [2582], died attacking Shakti [871] in Caburh [298]. Kragar [2583], died under attack from Grey Fane [2024] in Shotluth [231]. Le coureur de steppes [2588], died under attack from Grey Fane [2024] in Cnossa [204]. Gurdan Kilp [2605], died attacking Shakti [871] in Caburh [298]. The Sable Watch [2623], died under attack from General von schmurk [1816] in West Urvil [313]. The Brazil guys [2832], died under attack from Grey Fane [2024] in Cnossa [204]. Relay Station - Shotluth [2867], died under attack from Grey Fane [2024] in Shotluth [231]. Baxter Brighteyes [2882], died from the plague in Descarq Island [241]. Cliff's Assistants [2928], died attacking Shakti [871] in Caburh [298]. Jerry II [2937], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in North Atnos [324]. Yk VI [2964], died under attack from Grey Fane [2024] in Shotluth [231]. Winston Hickory [2998], died under attack from tete [2566] in Maire [322]. Prentice Alvin [3038], died under attack from Fourre-moi avec un marteau-piquer [1702] in Cnossa [204]. Joe [3044], died under attack from Fourre-moi avec un marteau-piquer [1702] in Cnossa [204]. Star [3075], died under attack from istipikos [2044] in Atnos [305]. Lysandra's Lookout [3085], died under attack from Sikinthal [2290] in Grindor [304]. New entity [3095], died under attack from Dr. Oleg [810] in Torba Bacor [306]. Savage [3234], died under attack from Raja Iskandar [928] in Ragnar [308]. Savage [4648], died under attack from Raja Iskandar [928] in Ragnar [308]. Savage [5749], died under attack from Raja Iskandar [928] in Ragnar [308]. Savage [5801], died under attack from Raja Iskandar [928] in Ragnar [308]. Summary: --------------------------------------------- Game totals: Player characters: 65 Controlled units: 1,376 Independent units: 123 Other: 57 Faction [544] rank top faction ------------- ---- ----------- Wealth: 86,039 9th [530] Artifacts: 0/8 3rd [511], [537] Units controlled: 32 12th [516] Number of men: 725 14th [578] Spells known: 6/13 7th [516], [530], [559], [537] Lore seen: 38/52 6th [516] Locations visited: 55/251 7th [516] Guildmasters: guild master ----- ------ Warriors Guild [3101] Prenola's Paralyzer [510] Brotherhood of Night [3105] D'Arc Shadowborn [535] Guild of Magicians [3106] Merlinium the grey [537] Guild of Shipwrights [3108] Zafol, Naval Engineer [1154] Beastmasters Guild [3110] The Keepers of the Herds [1137] Traders Guild [3111] Laughing Jack [1132] Performers Union [3113] Dancing Mammoths [1141] Order of the Curators [3125] Prenola's Pedant [1379] *** End of Report *** Pending commands for Pirililaeran [544]: > study 101 (executing for 12 more days) Pending commands for Herr Doctor Von Cornelius [1151]: > study 106 (executing for ten more days) Pending commands for A party of Adventurers (Beginners) [1288]: > use 9653 (still executing) Pending commands for Battle Scared Veteran [1498]: > study 101 (executing for five more days) Pending commands for Partisans [1606]: > work (executing for five more days) Pending commands for Philomene [1627]: > work (executing for five more days) Pending commands for Antresk Healer V. Member RMA. [1682]: > study 106 (executing for 12 more days) Pending commands for Protectors of the Pass [1809]: [wait unit 2528 0 0] > work (executing for three more days) > attack 2528 Pending commands for K. Schloss, konstruktor spezialist [1902]: > study 108 (executing for 12 more days) Pending commands for Les Krostons I [1904]: > use 9553 (still executing) Pending commands for Guardians of the Pass [1958]: [wait unit 1111 0 0] > work (executing for three more days) > attack 1111 Pending commands for Les Krostons II [2086]: > work (executing for three more days) Pending commands for Les Krostons III [2088]: > work (executing for five more days) Pending commands for Pimpf [2104]: > work (executing for five more days) Pending commands for Celimene [2142]: > work (executing for five more days) Pending commands for Antresk Healer I. Member RMA. [2149]: > use 9246 dummy (executing for three more days) Pending commands for Antresk Healer II. Member RMA. [2212]: > study 106 (executing for 13 more days) Pending commands for Antresk Healer III. Member RMA. [2723]: > study 106 (executing for 12 more days) Pending commands for Cunegonde [2725]: > move 265 (executing for 12 more days) > take 2946 23 0 > move 271 > stack 544 > pay 544 0 > give 1288 23 0 Pending commands for Antresk Brewing Co, Inc [2734]: > study 109 (executing for 12 more days) Pending commands for Antresk Healer IV. Member RMA. [2862]: > study 9246 (executing for 12 more days) Pending commands for Gertrude [2918]: > work (executing for five more days) Pending commands for Crapouilleux II [2959]: > work (executing for five more days) Pending commands for Crapouilleux III [2972]: > work (executing for five more days) Pending commands for Crapouilleux IV [2985]: > work (executing for three more days) Pending commands for Crapouilleux V [3073]: > work (executing for five more days) Pending commands for Crapouilleux VI [3091]: > work (executing for five more days) These commands will be executed next turn unless superseded by a cancel order.