PBEM v93 n01 (15Jan83) ====================================================================== Converting Face-to-face games into PB(e)M's Mel Nicholson ====================================================================== [ Preface: Sorry I missed a few issues. Thanks to all those who sent in fan mail wondering where I'd gone. Here is the long-awaited game conversion article. Enjoy. ] There are many times when it would be nice to have your favorite face-to-face games available in an email format. Sometimes you've moved to a new area and don't have anyone around to play with, or perhaps you have schedule conflicts which make it too hard to get together for a gaming session with your friends. Maybe you want a wider venue of opponents, or perhaps you're under quarantine at the local hospital or sanatorium. Whatever the reason, it *is* possible to make your favorite game into a PBEM, and this article is designed to show you how. Before you get too excited, though, I should warn you that there is a lot of work involved. Start by imagining largest amount of time that this process could possibly take. Double that, and unless you're a lot more pessimistic than I was, you still are going to be short. So unless you have a *lot* of time available, you will need to think twice about running a game, as the cost in time and enthusiasm is very real, and it really hurts the gaming community when a person starts a game in a half-assed way, and later is forced to abandon his players, who become frustrated with the PBEM concept as a whole. Despite the hurdles, it *is* possible to run a successful PBEM game, and many people have been able to do so quite successfully, as my own game (SPARF) and many converted games (Mark Purtil's Republic of Rome(tm) comes to mind as one of the successful conversions) attest to. Nevertheless, there have been some disastrous failures, and there are many choices which go into deciding whether *your* game will stand or fall. The first and most important choice, when deciding which game to put into PBEM form, is the choice of game. Some games just weren't cut out for PBEM. One feature to avoid when selecting a game for PBEM form is a game in which there is involved trading or negotiations which require detailed interactions in a sequential form. For example, if a game has an important trading phase in which large numbers of items change hands, and in which small details of the trades are significant, and which lead to further trades, then this game is probably a poor choice. Negotiations among players in which only a single item need be resolved, rather than an ordered sequence of transactions, is much easier. This is why Diplomacy, in which a single set of orders result from the negotiations, is so successful in PBEM form while other games which involve many ordered transactions have failed. Another danger is a poorly designed set of rules, with loopholes and ambiguities that each gaming circle will have solved in its own way. Because PBEM audiences generally draw from a wide base, wherever ambiguity exists, contradictory solutions will exist. For this reason, it is important that you be familiar with the game. You should also have a good eye for ambiguity, so that these sorts of problems can be headed off and reduced. I personally have seen a game of PBEM Pax Brittanica turn into a total disaster because of arguments. Also, if the moderator has a good feel for justice and an ample supply of patience and tact, he or she can often reduce the blow which these problems inflict by keeping a level head. There are also some problems with live gaming that vanish in the PBEM format; this makes some games good candidates, and perhaps even improve them with the transition. Since the pace of PBEMs is slower, problems which arise from having to sit and wait for other players to hurry up and make their move just don't arise. Also, since the players need not all be present for the whole game, one player being eliminated early doesn't pose the awkward social situation common to face-to-face gaming. Finally, since the transactions are done on a computer, the automation of bookkeeping which might otherwise bog the game down is much easier to accomplish. After the game selection is made, the primary questions facing the converter involve HOW the player will interact with the moderator (whether that be a person or program). A good starting strategy for this is to consider the sequence of play of the game and think of all the situations in which a player has a choice. For each choice, determine all the information which the player may use to help make that choice, and identify all the cases where some other player's choice provides that information. If this is an interesting game, it is likely to be a very long list with many interactions. An example should help to clarify the dark art of list-making. The game we will use is the board-game Monopoly, which all of our US readers should be familiar with, and which is available elsewhere in the world under other names. The object of the game is to acquire the most money, and the players do this by moving around the game board, buying properties, and building buildings on the properties to charge the other players rent. Here is our first draft of the list of player choices: Buy an unowned property when it is landed upon. Bid on an unowned property which is up for auction. Mortgage or unmortgage a property. Build or demolish buildings on a monopoly. Pay to get out of jail. Collect or refuse rent. Make a binding deal or transaction with another player. Gee. There are "only" seven things a player can do. Sound simple? I can guarantee it won't be, because wherever the word "deal" shows up, you have a major problem. Deals in Monopoly must be valid and are binding, and so keeping track of them would be a nightmare in a PBEM form. I'm afraid that this problem is going to take more time to solve and involve more philosophical questions than fit into the scope of this article, so for the sake of expediency, we'll pretend all deals are illegal. Next, we make a list of the information which must be available to all the players: Position on the board of all markers Who just moved, and whether they rolled doubles $$$ owned by each player Ownership and mortgage status of all property Current high bid for a given property (during auctions) Furthermore, there are things a player must NOT know before a given decision is made. Rather than going through the whole list, I will just give one example: a player may not know his or her dice roll before deciding whether to pay to get out of jail. Using the list to determine when information may be released, plus the timing constraints asserted by the rules, we can write a general timeline for the game. Once this timeline has been worked out, group as many decisions as you can into blocks (which we'll call "interactions" for want of a better name), making sure that no decision in a block requires a player to have information that another decision in the same block prevents him from having. For example, the decision whether to buy St. James at face value cannot be grouped into the same interaction with the decision of whether to pay to get out of Jail, as the former requires knowledge of the die roll, while the latter requires ignorance of the die roll. Once you have all of the interactions and timing considerations worked out, and you have developed any needed protocols for communication and automated whatever functions you want computer help with, you are ready to get your players and go, right? Well, almost. Next, you need to document all those considerations and protocols for your players. Trust me, you NEED to do this, especially in a game with lots of players, or else you'll end up answering the same question repeatedly. Once you've answered it twice, you might as well have written it down once in the rules. All in all, the experience of preparing a game and converting it for PBEM play is a good exercise in game design and may yield a lot of insight into how games work and why they fail or succeed. In particular, this is a very good way to force yourself to break a set of rules down into the bare essentials of how the game proceeds and how the rules interact at the level of player interaction and timing. Good luck, and see you next issue, when I'll try to talk about some of the principles of game modification, especially when issue of continuity arise with a pre-existing database.