[This is an article from Cariadoc's Miscellany. The Miscellany is Copyright (c) by David Friedman and Elizabeth Cook, 1988, 1990, 1992. For copying details, see the Miscellany Introduction.]


Maqluba al Tirrikh

al-Baghdadi p. 204/12 (GOOD)

Take tirrikh and fry in sesame-oil: then take out, and place in a dish to cool. When cold, cut off the heads and tails, remove the spine, bone, and scale with the greatest care. Crumble and break up the flesh, and sprinkle with dry coriander, cumin, caraway and cinnamon. Break eggs, throw on, and mix well. Then fry in sesame-oil in a frying pan as maqluba is fried, until both sides are browned: and remove.

1 T sesame oil (initial frying)
1/2 lb perch or catfish
1 1/2 t cinnamon
1 t caraway
1/2 t cumin, ground in a mortar
1/2 t coriander, ground in a mortar
1 large egg
another 2 T sesame oil

Fry fish in sesame oil; let it cool. Bone and crumble it. Add spices and eggs. Fry like pancakes in more sesame oil. Tirrikh is a kind of Middle Eastern freshwater fish; we do not know what other fish it is similar to.


Ancient Cookery p. 448/38

Take hole roches, or tenchys, or plays, but choppe hem on peces, and frie hem in oyle; and take crusts of bredde, and draw hem with wyn, and vynegur, and bray fygges, and draw hem therwith; and mynce onyons, and frie hem, and do therto, and blaunched almonds fried, and raisinges of corance, and pouder of clowes, and of ginger, and of canell, and let hit boyle, then do thi fissh in a faire vessell, and poure thi sewe above, and serve hit forthe colde.

1 lb fish
1 full slice bread
3 T wine
3 T vinegar
2 T figs, chopped or ground
1 T minced onion
2 T blanched almonds
2 T currants
a pinch ground cloves
1/8 t ginger
1/2 t cinnamon

Cut up the fish and fry in oil. Mix bread, wine, vinegar, and figs. Fry minced onion and almonds; add to the sauce, along with remaining ingredients. Put the fish in a dish, cover with the sauce, and serve cold.

Galantine for Carp

Goodman p. 289/26

Bray saffron, ginger, clove, grains of paradise, long pepper and nutmegs, and moisten with the greasy sewe in which the carp has been cooked, and add thereto verjuice, wine and vinegar and let it be thickened with a little toasted bread, well brayed and colorless (natheless strained bread maketh the best sauce) and let it all be boiled and poured over the cooked fish, then put onto plates.

1 1/2 lb catfish or carp
5 threads saffron
1/4 t ginger
1/4 t cloves
1/8 t grains of paradise
1/4 t pepper
1/2 t nutmeg
2 T "greasy sewe" (liquid from cooking fish)
2 c tart red grapes well mashed and strained through cheese cloth (for verjuice)
2 t red wine
4 T wine vinegar
3 T bread crumbs

Oysters in Bruette

Two Fifteenth Century p. 23/56

Take and shell oysters, and keep the water that cometh of them and strain it, and put it in a pot, and ale thereto, and a little bread thereto; put ginger, canel, powder of pepper thereto, saffron and salt; and when it is enough almost, put on thine oysters: look that they been well y-washed for the shells: and then serve forth.

1 1/4 c oysters
3/4 c liquid from oysters
3/4 c ale
2 slices bread, torn up small
1/8 t cinnamon
3/16 t ginger
1/4 t salt
a few shakes of pepper
a pinch of saffron

Mix liquids and bread and heat; add seasonings and simmer until the bread has come apart and the sauce is fairly thick. Add oysters, let simmer until the oysters are done and serve forth.

To Make Blamaunger in Lenten

Curye on Inglysch p. 89 (Utilis Coquinario no. 30)

Tak almound melk & do it in a pot, & tak floure of rys aftere + at + e quantite is of + e melk, or hol rys. & take of + e perche or of a luce & hew it as + ou woldest do braun, & if + ou fayle + erof tak newe ray & alye it up, & do + erto sugre & oyl of almoundes, or elles oyle dolyf + at is newe, or elles + e gres of a brem; & whan it is so+ e, do + e oyle + erto & tak almoundes koruen on foure ifried in oyle & sette in + e disches whan it is dressed, & strew sugre aboue manerlych.

2 c almond milk: 1/2 c almonds, 2 c water
4 T rice flour (or rice)
1 lb perch, (pike, or ray)
1 T sugar
1 T almond oil (or olive oil)
1 c almonds
1 T sugar (sprinkled on top)

Make almond milk. Put in a pot, add rice flour and fish, cut up into small cubes. Cook until fish is done, about 10 minutes, add sugar and oil, cook another minute. Cut almonds in four pieces each and fry. Serve with fried almonds and sugar on top.

Vyaunde de Cyprys in Lent

Two Fifteenth Century p. 28/57

Take good thick milk of almonds, and do it on a pot; nym the flesh of good crabs, and good salmon, and bray it small, and temper it up with the foresaid milk; boil it, and lye it with flour of rice or amyndoun, and make it chargeaunt; when it is yboiled, do thereto white sugar, a gode quantitie of white vernage pimes (apparently a wine like muscadine) with the wine, pomegranate. When it is ydressed, strew above the grains of pomegranate.

almond milk: 2 oz blanched almonds, 1 c water
7 oz crabmeat
7 oz salmon
2 T rice flour
3 T sugar
4 t Rhine wine
2 T pomegranate juice
pomegranate seeds

Almond milk: Grind almonds in food processor, mix in 1/2 c water and grind more, squeeze liquid out through thin cloth, add residue to 1/4 c water and grind in processor again, squeeze again, repeat with another 1/4 c water.

Remove skin and bones from salmon, cut salmon and crab into cubes and shred with French chef's knife. Mix fish and almond milk and cook over medium heat; add sugar, wine, and pomegranate juice after 5 minutes; add rice flour after 11 minutes, cook, stirring, another minute, remove from heat and keep stirring another half minute. Garnish with pomegranate seeds.

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