University Atlantia # 44 (June 6th, 1998)

This session of the University of Atlantia will be hosted by the Barony of Dun Carraig in St. Mary's, Maryland.


Archery Discussion-Lorenzo il Confuso. A moderated discussion on target and combat archery-related topics will address sharing information, evolving standards, etc. (2 hours)

Finger Weaving and Other Weaving Techniques-Chiara di Monte Kapelli. Students should bring colorful yarn, adult and teen helpers are welcome. Class limit: 10, age 5 and up.

How and Why to Eat Safely and Medievally at Pennsic-Melisande de Belvoir. The instructor will discuss storage and preparation of suitable Medieval foods for a large camping event.

How to Do Heraldic Consulting-Lord Kwellend-Njal Kolskeggsson. This class is directed at heralds. How to work with members trying to choose or design Medieval names and Armory. How to deal with the paperwork and do basic research. Useful (and otherwise) books and materials, and how to get help when you really need it.

Making Felt Floor Coverings-Corun MacAnndra. This class will cover two techniques for making floor coverings as used by the nomadic peoples of Eurasia (the Mongols, Tuvans, Turkomans, Khazak and Kyrghyz). The instructor will demonstrate the techniques and have finished examples, as well as handouts describing the processes. (2 hours)

Mosaics-Caitlin Cheannlaidir. A lecture on the history and construction of mosaics followed by a demonstration of mosaic techniques. Materials fee: lecture none, hands-on demo $5.00. Class limit: lecture none, demonstration 6. (1 hour lecture, 1 hour demonstration)

Rapier Evaluation Clinic-Gerlach Weisengrund and Robert Bedingfield. This is a clinic for intermediate fighters. Each fighter will fight a videotaped fight for ten minutes with an experienced fighter after which there will be a private critique. Any questions should be directed to Robert Bedingfield (address in the Acorn). Very limited placement-advance registration is recommended. Lab fee: $5.00. Limited to 10 fighters by appointment. (All day)

Rapier 101: Getting Started from the Ground Up-Giacomo Vincente and Anna Collins. An overview of everything you need to get started in rapier-armor requirements, equipment suppliers, weapons, a glance at the rules-ending with basic instruction and drills to take home and practice before starting rapier instruction.

Rigging a Viking Sailboat-Anarra Karlsdottir. Learn to rig a Viking sailboat. The Gyrfalcon is a replica of the Gokstad faering boat, with a mast and square sail. Learn to set the standing rigging, steerboard, mast, yard, sail and braces. What are belaying pins for, anyway?

Rudiments of Music-Arianna Morgan. A basic course in music notation/theory. Participants will learn to identify pitch, rhythm, key signatures, etc. The class is targeted towards those with little or no music reading experience. There is no fee, but donations to defray the cost of handouts are welcome.

The SCA and the IRS a.k.a. A Brief Discussion of the Tax Implications of Our Non-Profit Status-Siobhan O'Riordain. A general overview of what it means to be a non-profit group and how that does and doesn't effect us as members. Topics will include: 501(c)3, what it means to be non-profit, what members and officers can and can't deduct, cash donations, donation of services and fair market value of donated goods.

Disclaimer: Siobhan is not a tax professional. Information provided at this session will be taken from IRS publications, a listing of which will be made available. For more detailed information or answers to specific questions not covered by these publications, you should contact a tax professional. That means don't go to an audit and tell them that Siobhan told you to deduct it!

Tablet Weaving: The Snartemo Technique-Herveus d'Ormonde. The digs at Snartemo produced some striking tablet woven bands done in a technique using four colors and long floats. The class will discuss the technique itself, some ideas on how to design patterns for this techniques, and provide some hands-on practice. Pattern drafts will be provided.

Using Modern Means to Find Primary Sources-Bridgette Kelly MacLean. Explore ways in which the Internet may be used to find primary sources to document everything from furniture and architecture to clothing, foodstuffs and myth.


Autocratting for the Beginner and Not So Beginner-Aryanna Hawkmoon. A look at the fundamentals of autocratting an SCA event as well as how creative, extravagant or simple you can get.

Basics of Middle Eastern Drumming-Sigurd Haakonson. An Introduction to Middle Eastern drumming, starting at the very beginning.

Beginning Calligraphy-Genevieve d'Evreux. Simple forms of calligraphy for younger students. Class limit: 10, 3rd grade and up.

The Care and Feeding of Books-Pavla Dmitrovna. Maintenance of your personal library and documentation. Will cover basic handling and storage, what to do when a book gets wet, how to look for signs of mold and bugs, and other things that will ensure the longevity of your materials.

Designing an SCA Name-Tirloch of Tallaght. How does one go about choosing an SCA name and getting one that's acceptable to the heraldic rules? This class will look at name sources and the rules the College of Arms uses in registering names.

Drop Spinning-Aelfwynn of Whitby. An introduction to drop spinning. Materials fee includes a handout, a drop spindle, and about 1/2 a pound of wool. Materials fee: $5.00. Class limit: 12.

What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor: The Development of Civil Law in Western Europe-Tehair MacDiarmada. The class will explore the history and development of civil law in Western Europe by examining how various localities handled civil disturbances.

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Convocation


Blackwork Embroidery-Ghelena Galycheva. An introduction to the use of blackwork throughout the 15th century, both reversible and on-reversible. Materials fee covers a hoop, selection of threads, needle, and some linen and aida cloth, and a handout. Materials fee: $4.00. Class limit: 5.

Children's Calligraphy and Illumination-Arianwen ferch Maelgwn. Participants will learn (briefly) about the ways in which Medieval young people would have learned to write, see examples of illuminated texts, and will produce an illuminated bookmark by the end of the class. Class size limit: 12, ages 6 and up.

Religious Intolerance During the Time of The Crusades-Xenophon Vaughn. Was it Islam vs. Christianity, Christianity vs. Christianity or Islam vs. Islam? You be the judge as we learn about and discuss the true religious persecutions and intolerances taking place while "on Crusade." The truth may surprise you!

Designing an SCA Device-Adam of Erin. Look at all those fancy Ponte Alto banners... Gee, I want some heraldry, too... But how do you choose what you want and what can you put together with other stuff? Well, attend this class and learn the basic rules and some good medieval style.

Fitness for Fighters-Magdalena de Hazebrouck. A common sense approach to building your own fitness routine that will safely prepare your body for SCA combat. Includes a fitness text. Wear loose fitting clothing. Handout is a 30-page booklet. Materials fee: $3.00. Class limit: 15. (2 hours)

History of Atlantia: Gyrth Tells Stories for Two Hours-Gyrth Oldcastle of Ravenspur. His Grace, one of Atlantia's foremost raconteurs, tells stories about Atlantia and Atlantians. (2 hours)

Intermediate Lampworking Workshop-Caitlin Cheannlaidir et al. Open torch workshop to explore intermediate techniques and materials. Student should have previously taken a class in lampworking or have some experience using a glassworking torch. Equipment will be available for students' use, but all are encouraged to bring their own equipment and materials if they have them. Materials fee: $10.00 (there will be no fee charged for those bringing their own materials). Class limit: 3 per session without own materials. (1 hour per session, 4 sessions).

Introduction to Armor-Michael Limner. An introduction to armor of the time period of 1000-1600, with emphasis on SCA-related themes (i.e., what armor is good for SCA fighting).

Introduction to Dagger-Aedan Aylwyn. The basic techniques to be effective with a dagger-parrying, how to use a second weapon for attacks as well as defense; basic weapon styles.

Real Music in the Middle Ages-Michael Oldcastle and Bronwyn Ottersby. What instruments were commonly used in period and how medieval music is like and unlike modern music.

Keeping The Basics of Drumming Interesting-Sigurd Haakonson. How to keep the basics of Middle Eastern drumming interesting (with a strong emphasis on how to drum politely).

Overview of Norse Clothing-Anarra Karlsdottir. This course skims through fibers, weaves and colors used by the Norse. Primary and secondary sources for clothing are shown and discussed. Handout includes an annotated bibliography. Bring a pen for notes. Materials fee: $0.50

Period Garb: What is and What Isn't-Thjora Arnkitelsdottir and Celynen of Stow-on-the-Wold. A survey of common garb choices that are incorrect adaptations of period garments. The discussion will cover pattern and fabric selections and include a show-and-tell of good and bad costuming choices.

Sword and Shield 101-Dafydd ap Gwystl. The basics of fighting with sword as shield. Bring a whiffle bat or other sword substitute. No armor necessary.

The Dark Side of the Law-Evelynne Merrymet. What the authorities (such as the Inquisition) could and did do to those who were not orthodox Catholics like purported witches and heathens.


Beginning Schlager-Gregoire. The instructor will cover the basic moves such as learning how to attack and parry safely and efficiently, and armor requirements.

Cross Stitch for Beginners-Karen Larsdatter. The basics of cross stitch. Materials fee: $3.00. Class limit: 10, Ages 10 and up.

Documentation Is Not An Obituary-Dafydd ap Gwystl. Documentation should be a record of research and construction decisions, not an obituary of a project. The instructor will show how documentation should be a learning record for the craftsman, not a justification retrofitted onto a project and aimed at a competition judge.

Heraldic Consulting Practicum: Session 1-Evan da Collaureo. Supervised hands-on training session working with submissions. It will take place at the consulting table, involving actual clients and submission; this is not a drill. Class limit: 4;

Introduction to Arms-Michael Limner. An introduction to arms of the time period of 1000-1600, with emphasis on SCA-related themes (i.e., what arms are good for SCA fighting).

Laurel Queen of Arms Road Show-Jaelle of Armida. Want to know what it is that Laurel does when she rules on your name and heraldry submissions? Well, come on down and see! Laurel will rule on a short Letter of Intent and decide what gets registered and what doesn't.

Norse Hide Shoe Pattern-Anarra Karlsdottir. Make a pattern for a Norse hide shoe, or one-piece shoe. Class fee for pattern makers includes felt for pattern, thread, needle and handout. Please bring scissors. Class fee for auditors includes handout only. Auditors will be expected to help pattern makers and will learn principles of making pattern. Shoes made from these patterns are correct for Norse personas and probably also for most other early personas. Handout only documents use for Norse. Materials fee: $4.00 pattern makers; $1.50 auditors. Class limit: 5 pattern makers, 5 auditors.

The Persecution of Jews in Spain-Xenophon Vaughn. Under Islam they were the respected money changers and merchant class. Under Christianity they were tried as heretics. Find out the "truth" as we discover the what really went on with the Jewish population of the Iberian Penninsula during the Reconquista.

Three Courtly Dances-Stefan of Cambion. Learn three courtly dances suitable for showing your grace and garb: Belle Qui, Black Almain, and the Earl of Salisbury. These dances are all done with your partner as a couple in a line of couples (not fast, no 1's and 2's, no switching, and everyone is doing the same thing at the same time).

Variations on a Theme: Cross Stitch-Branwen Wallis. The class will try out some of the many variations of the cross stitch and discuss their uses in period embroidery. Stitches will include: long-arm cross stitch, four-sided stitch, and herringbone stitch. Fee includes fabric, needle, threads, etc. Materials fee: $5.00. Class limit: 10.

Wills and Estates-Igor Medved. How you could leave your property to your heirs, primogeniture, statute of mortmain, how the church ended up with so much property.


Art Leaps Forward!-Daniel of Rutland. A discussion of nature, pros and cons, of the momentous transition of art from the international gothic style that reached its apogee in the 14th century to the natural, post-medieval style of the 15th century.

Becoming and Being a Good Marshal-Isobel Gildingwater and Kheldar the Fleet. How to get started in the Marshal in Training program; requirements for becoming an authorized marshal; when to advise, when to keep your mouth shut; what is expected of a marshal; troubleshooting.

Construction and Use of Boffer Weapons-Braenden y Mad. Each youth should bring: safety goggles, helmet (bicycle, skateboard, moped, etc), gloves, elbow and knee pads (all roller blade style), a hollow funnoodle, duct tape, a 3 ft long piece of PVC pipe and 2 PVC caps. This will enable everyone to construct a weapon and use it safely. Class limit: 15, any age. (2 hours)

The Carpenter's Tool Chest: Introduction to Medieval Woodworking Tools-Findlaech Mac Alasdair. Focusing on the 15th and 16th centuries, this course examines the basic hand tools of carpentry, their function, and sources for modern equivalents. No woodworking skills required.

Heraldic Consulting Practicum: Session 2-Evan da Collaureo. Supervised hands-on training session working with submissions. It will take place at the consulting table, involving actual clients and submission; this is not a drill. Class limit: 4.

Here a Tick, There a Tick, Everyone's a Heretic-Celynen of Stow-on-the-Wold. A survey of some of the more famous, and some of the more obscure, accusations of heresy.

Introduction to Pewter Sand Casting-Steffan of Caer Mear. A demonstration of basic sand casting techniques with a little about the physical properties of metals, creating a master copy, and finishing the product. Class limit: 10.

Music Appreciation In Renaissance Italy-Giovan Donato. Late-period (and mostly Italian) music history: instruments, composers, institutions, genres. Examples will be played. Covers from Josquin Desprez to Claudio Monteverdi.

So You Want to Be a Herald?-Julia Windsor. This class is specifically directed at beginning heralds and people interested in becoming heralds. Basic outline of the duties and responsibilities of heralds, both group and independent; overview of the Rules for Submission, medieval style, court and field heraldry, etc. (2 hours)

Sprang-Mavi of Black Diamond. Ever seen a chain-link fence? Then you've seen the simplest type of sprang weave. Sprang is woven from a series of threads affixed at both ends. The instructor will provide yarn and sticks, but students should bring a 2 liter soda bottle, or a bag of sand, or two loom weights, or anything else which can be used to weigh down the bottom of the work.

Viking Food-Sheawulf and Anarra Karlsdottir. Overview of foods the Norse would have eaten in Scandinavia in period. Covers grains, herbs, spices, meats, fruits and vegetables. Also covers cooking methods. This is not a feast-preparation class, but will give a good idea of the types of dishes to offer at a Norse-themed event, or at your Pennsic encampment. Materials fee: $1.00.

Analysis of the Art of English Two-handed Sword Lesson ca. 1450-Strykar Geirhaldsson and Galleron de Crecy. It's English, how could it be so difficult to understand? An attempt to explicate the English lessons on two-handed sword in the Harelian Manuscript 3542 in the British Museum. The class will offer a transcription of the original manuscript, a glossary of terms, and preliminary analysis of the various lessons. (2 hours).

Growth of Chancery Courts-Yaakov HaMizrachi. The triumph of justice over the law. The class will cover such subjects as equity jurisdiction and the Lord Chancellor.


Building a Period Textile Palette-Magdalena de Hazebrouck. A dye class for those who don't want to muss their garb! Leave this class with all the info you need to build a palette of colors appropriate to your person's time and place based on DNC embroidery thread numbers. Includes discussion of how colors take to wool, silk, linen and cotton. Handout fee: $1.00.

Courtly Love-Ciaran Mac-Ghabhann. What is courtly love and how does it apply to the SCA? This class is a basic introduction to the origins of courtly love.

Culinary Arts: Anglo-Saxon England and the Bayeux Tapestry-Minowara Kiritsubo-sensei. A discussion of the kitchens, cooking implements, and cooking styles found in Anglo-Saxon England and during the Norman invasion. A particular focus will be the Bayeux Tapestry.

Heraldic Consulting Practicum: Session 3-Evan da Collaureo. Supervised hands-on training session working with submissions. It will take place at the consulting table, involving actual clients and submission; this is not a drill. Class limit: 4.

Introduction to Renaissance Dance-Antoine de Bayonne. This class will briefly introduce the major dance manuscripts from 1450 to 1600, with some dances to be taught to illustrate the differences. Dances may include Anello, Petit Vriens, Washerwoman's Bransle, Bransle Cassandra, Madam Sosilia's Almain, and Mistress Mara's simplified version of The Canary. Geared toward beginners, but all are welcome.

Introduction to Vinting Mead-Magnus McKinley. An introduction covering the basics of vinting mead, including how to prepare documentation for competition.

Medieval Joinery-Reynard de la Rochefocauld. Various types of construction and joints will be discussed as well as their applications and the techniques used to make them. The instructor will have several examples of joinery for demonstration purposes and, if time permits, will show how they are done.

Melee Tactics-Thorbrandr Olafsson. How to fight in a melee; how to lead a team; how to be part of a team.

Soapstone Mold Casting-Dafydd ap Gwystl. Practicum on pewter casting in soapstone molds. Students may purchase a pre-flatted and registered soapstone block appropriate for carving their own mold from the instructor for $2.00 at the end of the class. Class limit: 20.

Contracts-Stefan of Cambion. The formation and requisites of contracts, livery of seisin, seals, oaths, and the statute of frauds.

"And gladly wolde he learn, and gladly teach." -Geoffrey Chaucer

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