Third Nottinghill Collegium

[ Event held Feb 22, 1997 ]

Greetings and welcome to the third (almost annual) Nottinghill Collegium. We'd like to thank our kind hosts, Shannon Forest Christian School and the Barony of Nottinghill Coill. Through their auspices, the collegium has a home this year.

We'd also like to thank the many kind folks who volunteered to be instructors, more than we ever imagined would. The collegium this year has 9 almost full tracks, 28 instructors, and 59 hours of classroom time. And the variety of classes is enough to boggle the mind. From needlework to blacksmithing, from autocratting to juggling, it's all here. Our only regret is that we won't be able to take them all.

Before the recent BOD decision to rescind the $3.00 non-member surcharge, we decided to make this a donations only event. Everyone is welcome here. Whether or not you choose to donate the suggested $3.00, come and take advantage of this opportunity for learning.


Deirdre Morgan                             Isabeau de Falconcree
(Cindy Hudson)                             (Teresa Dees)
#3 Brook Terrace Apts.                     7B Hull Drive
Taylors, SC 29687                          Greenville, SC 29605
(803) 268-3837                             (803) 422-8559

The site is Shannon Forest Christian School at 829 Garlington Road. The site will open at 8:30 a.m. for registration. Classes start at 9:30 a.m. and end at 6:00 p.m.


From Columbia, take I-385 North to Greenville. Exit on Woodruff Road (exit 35) and turn left. Turn right on Garlington Rd. (No sign, but there is a Hess station on the corner).*

From Charlotte/Spartanburg, take I-85 South. Exit at I-385 and Woodruff Rd. (exit 51) and turn left. Go 4/10 mile and turn left on Garlington Rd. (Hess station on corner.)*

*On Garlington Rd. go 2 miles (go straight at 4-way stop). School is on the left. Parking is limited in front of school. Additional parking available across the street in church lot and behind school.


La Quinta Inn 1-800-531-5900
Near the intersection of Woodruff Road and I-85. (See site directions.) This is closest to the site.

Colonial Inn 803-233-5393
755 Wade Hampton Blvd. (Come into Greenville on 385. Turn right on Church Street by the auditorium. Several miles down Church Street ends and you turn right on Wade Hampton Blvd. The Colonial Inn is about one mile down on the left. This is farther from site, but cheaper.)


There will be no feast, but maps to local eateries will be available at registration. Participants are welcome to bring lunch and eat on-site; however, we must vacate the site shortly after 6:00 so plan to eat dinner elsewhere.


A post revel will be held at a site to be announced. Look for maps and further information at registration.

101 Doublets

Lord Alwin of Falcon Cree

Learn to make a period fencing-style men's doublet. The instructor will provide a pattern to copy. Supplies needed: paper for pattern, pencils, scissors, tape measure

102 Closures and Buttons

Lady Glee of Falcon Cree

Learn one knot you can use to make button and loop closures, frogs, secure armor ties, clothing trim, favors, and belts. This hands on workshop allows you to practice making any number of items from a single basic knot. The instructor will also be available for help with special projects.

103 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Accessories*

(*But were afraid to ask a gypsy without one hand on your purse)

Lady Saviya degli Zingari

So, what do you wear with that killer Italian Ren/Houpelande/Cotehardie or whatever now that you've made it? Join us for a discussion of accessories for the fashionable lord and lady from head to toe. We'll make a few stops in between for belt purses, fleafurs, and other necessities. Reference material will be available for study.

Supplies needed: paper, pencils, and scissors for pattern making.

104 Bodices

Lady Kythryn and Lady Elspeth Hinds

Learn how to make a bodice pattern that fits perfectly through the draping technique. The instructors will provide information on modifying this basic pattern for any period after 1300. Period sources will also be provided. Supplies needed: 2 yards of 45" cheap woven fabric (cotton or muslin), magic marker, measuring tape, scissors Limit: 12 people

105 Italian Renaissance Sleeves

Baroness Anne le Coeur

Participants will learn how to construct a simple tie on sleeve for an Italian Renaissance gown, using a pattern obtained from a member of the Greater Storvik Ladies Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society. Supplies needed: paper, pencils, and scissors for pattern making.

106 Basic Calligraphy

Members of the Scriptorium

Instruction for beginners in calligraphy and scroll making, with hands on practice. Bring pens and practice paper.

107 Basic Illumination

Members of the Scriptorium

Instruction for beginners in illumination and scroll making, with hands on practice. Bring pens and practice paper.

108 Scriptorium

Hands on workshop for the purpose of working on the kingdom backlog of scrolls. Beginners are welcome. You may enter or leave this workshop at any time.

109 Basic Autocratting (So you went to the bathroom and now you are autocratting the next event!)

Baroness Anne le Coeur

For the new or soon to be autocrat. Participants will learn the steps to design, budget, and execute a successful event. Blueprints for various common events will be provided to assist the participants in designing their own event.

110 Basic Feastcratting

Lord John le Burguillun

An introduction to cooking for SCA events. This course will cover the following components of planning a feast: selecting a menu, budgeting, portioning of food, kitchen organization, serving the feast, and clean up. A bibliography of cookbooks and sample menus will be provided.

111 The Basic Seneschal

Lord Damien Descal de Valeri

Join this hands-on, but not how to class for a discussion of implementing the job of seneschal, types of seneschals and their management styles, types of groups, and some of the variables of the job. If you are a new seneschal or ever thought about being one, this is the class for you.

112 What is an MoAS, or the Arts and Sciences Officer

Lady Deirdre of Boolteens

A discussion of the job of an Arts and Sciences officer by the Kingdom A&S officer. Handouts and a question and answer session will be included.

113 Pointy Hats, Titles, and Curtseys, Oh My (or Etiquette in the SCA)

Lady Amber Lang

How do you introduce a newcomer to a Duke? When should you bow (or curtsey)? These and other pressing matters of etiquette for the Scadian will be discussed and demonstrated.

114 Blazonry for the SCA Herald

Lord AEldryyd the Wayward

A discussion of beginning and advanced blazonry, including animals and other charges. This class covers the do's and don'ts for the SCA herald.

115 Naming Practices in the SCA/Documenting Your Name

Lady Rhiannon Ui Niall and Master Bran Trefonnen

What are the rules for choosing a name in the SCA? And, once you've picked one, how to you document it properly?

116 Role of the Medieval Herald

Baroness Elisavetta Aleksandrovna

If you were magically transported back to 1100, what would your duties as a herald be?

117 Vocal Survival for Heralds

Lady Rhiannon Ui Niall, Nereid Herald

How to herald announcements, tourneys, and court all day long; tricks on not losing your voice, being heard in large crowds, pleasing the royals and the autocrat.

118 History of the World: Part the First

Master Thomas Smyth of Ayr

Here is an opportunity to examine the critical events of the Early Middle Ages (from the decline of the Roman Empire to the Battle of Hastings). A lecture this is not. Rather it will be an interactive discussion of the importance of many factors: politics, culture, religion, trade, commerce, quality of life, technology, and others.

119 The Scots Balmoral Bonnet & Kilt

Lady Hannah Cameron

A hands-on class to make the distinctive, feather-festooned Scottish bonnet. (If you've ever tried to order one from a Scottish catalog, the price is enough to make a good, thrifty Scot FAINT!) You will need to purchase before the class (so that it fits YOUR head) a wool beret - the best place to find one is a military beret at the local army navy store. All other materials will be provided. Class time permitting, other aspects of medieval Scottish garb will be discussed, with a demonstration of how to lay out and hand pleat the 15-foot great kilt.

Class fee: $3.00 Limit: 5 people (auditors acceptable)

120 History of the World: Part the Second

Master Thomas Smyth of Ayr

Here is an opportunity to examine the critical events of the Later Middle Ages (from the Battle of Hastings to the discovery of the New World). This should be an open exchange of ideas on the importance of the factors that transformed a hodgepodge of Medieval societies into modern nation states.

121 Art in Byzantium and Medieval Russia

Sofia Theotokos

This lecture on life and art of the Byzantine Empire and Russia includes a color slide presentation. The Hagia Sophia and other Byzantine churches, icons, and religious imagery will be discussed. Books containing examples of Byzantine and Russian garb from period paintings will be available.

122 The Goodwife's Housekeeping Guide (with an emphasis on kitchen herbs)

Madeleine Mechtilde d'Angers

An introduction to the finer points of medieval housewifery.

123 Beginning Blackwork: Spanish Stitch

Lady Deirdre of Boolteens

Hands on workshop on the basic blackwork stitch. Materials provided. Class fee: none Limit: 10 people

124 Needlelace for Beginners

Lady Deirdre of Boolteens

Hands on workshop on the basic stitches of needlelace. Materials provided.

Class fee: none Limit: 6 people

125 Period Sports

Torquil MacTaggart the Steadfast

A survey of the active sports, games, and pastimes of medieval Europe. Caution: Cambok may occur. This could be a very active class. Instructions on making cambok sticks will be provided.

126 Juggling

Lord John le Burguillun

Learn the basic 3-ball cascade. Supplies: 3 small balls.

127 Games

Lord Damien Daskal de Valeri

This class includes period variations on chess, and perhaps a card game or two.

128 Beginning Harp

Elissa of Falcon Cree

The instructor will provide hands on instruction on the basics of playing the harp. Several harps will be available, but bring your own if you have one.

129 Card-Woven Belt

Baroness Ia Anna Kazimov

Part I: (1/2 hour) Design a period style card weaving pattern on paper. Supplies needed: graph paper, pencil, color pencils (optional)

Part II: (1-1/2 hours) In this class you will learn to warp your project to match your design pattern, begin weaving your project, and learn different finishing techniques. You may bring your own materials to class or send a pre-registration fee of $6.00. The material fee includes cards, yarn, and a D-ring to complete your belt.

Supplies needed: 34 4-hole cards, 5/2 earl cotton yarn, scissors, inkle loom Class fee: $6.00 Limit: 6 people

130 Medieval Projects on a Thrift Store Budget

Lady Glee of Falcon Cree

Wondering what to do with those odd bits of jewelry, fur, fabric, and other miscellaneous stuff you've accumulated? This idea swap shop will teach you what to look for and what to do with those bargains you find. You'll also learn how to set up a network of people to trade with. Bring your favorite odd bits of stuff: damaged leather, fur pieces, scraps, bits of jewelry, etc. for ideas and suggestions.

131 Blacksmithing

Baron Rufus Barbarrossa

This class in basic blacksmithing will teach you how to start a fire in a forge, and problems you may encounter, as well as tools you will need and how to build them. See an actual portable forge in operation. Caution: This class is not suitable for those with extreme sinus or respiratory problems because of the amount of smoke generated. Meet in the assigned classroom. You will be directed to the forge location outdoors.

132 Fencing

Lord Jacques Abaran

A hands on workshop on basic fencing techniques. Part of this class will be outside.

133 Middle Eastern Dance

Sayyid Asim al-Talib

This class compresses two parts: a survey of the history of the various middle eastern dances, and a practical course in the art of the dance. You'll learn the traditional moves and how they evolved into modern cabaret style dance. Wear loose clothing and flat shoes.

134 Middle Eastern Costume

Sayyid Asim al-Talib and Isabeau de Falconcree

A historical outlook at period clothing in the middle east. Discussion will include harem pants, the gwazee coat, and related articles of clothing. Handouts provided.

135 The Tahtib

Sayyid Asim al-Talib

A practicum on this middle eastern martial arts stick dance. This form was traditionally practiced only by men, although ladies are welcome.

136 Garnishing

Grafin Judith von Gruenwald

"Flat Feast Food, foresooth, foresooth," gushes the green Grafin. Helpful hints for the harried historical housewife. Illusions imitate ingenious ideals. Join the Junker journeywoman on her jolly junket. King, kin, and knight know the letdown of lackluster ladling. Meditate on a myriad of multicolored nonesuch nourishment. Oppose not this olfactory occasion. Keep a poor peer pacified. Please participate.

137 Brewing

Baron Corwyn Wodewarde

Basic mead brewing, including selection of ingredients, techniques, and troubleshooting methods. In deference to our hosts, this course will be taught off-site at Brewmeisters (a nearby brewing store). Maps to Brewmeisters will be provided. Meet at registration area before 1:00 to carpool.

    9:30- | 10:30- |11:30| 1:00- | 2:00- | 3:00- | 4:00- | 5:00- |
    10:25 | 11:25  |12:55| 1:55  | 2:55  | 3:55  | 4:55  | 5:55  |
   |               |     |       |       |               |       |
1  |    Doublets   |     |Closure|Access-|    Bodices    |Sleeves|
   |     (101)     |     |(102)  |ories  |    (105)      |(106)  |
   |               |     |       |(103)  |               |       |
   ----------------      -----------------------------------------
2  |Callig|Illumin-|     |                                       |
   |raphy |ation   |     |       S C R I P T O R I U M           |
   |(106) |(107)   |     |                                       |
   ----------------      -----------------------------------------
3  |    Auto-      |     |    Feast-     |Senes- |MoAS   |Eti-   |
   |    cratting   |  L  |    cratting   |chal   |(112)  |quette |
   |    (109)      |  U  |    (110)      |(111)  |       |(113)  |
   ----------------   N  -----------------------------------------
4  |  Blazonry     |  C  |    Naming     |Med.   |Vocal  |       |
   |  (114)        |  H  |    Pract.     |Herald |Surviv.|       |
   |               |     |    (115)      |(116)  |(117)  |       |
   ----------------      -----------------------------------------
5  |  History of   |     |Scottish Bonnet|History of     |Russian|
   |  World Part I |     |& Kilt         |World Part II  |Art    |
   |  (118)        |     |(119)          |(120)          |(121)  |
   ----------------      -----------------------------------------
6  |Good- |Black-  |     |Needle |         Period        |Jugglng|
   |wife's|work    |     |lace   |         Sports        |(126)  |
   |Guide |(123)   |     |(124)  |         (125)         |       |
   |(122) |        |     |       |                       |       |
   ----------------      -----------------------------------------
7  |     Games     |     |Beginning Harp |Card Weaving   |Med.   |
   |     (127)     |     |(128)          |(129)          |Proj.  |
   |               |     |               |               |(130)  |
   ----------------      -----------------------------------------
8  |      |        |     |Blacksmithing  |       |   Fencing     |
   |      |        |     |(131)          |       |   (132)       |
   ----------------      -----------------------------------------
9* |M.E. Dance     |     |M.E. Costume   |Tahtib |       |Gar-   |
   |(133)          |     |(134)          |(135)  |       |nishing|
   |      |        |     |       |       |       |       |(136)  |
   ----------------      -----------------------------------------
   |      |        |     |Brewing        |       |       |       |
   |      |        |     |(137)          |       |       |       |

*Classroom 9 is in the cafeteria/gym building.

Nottinghill Collegium Registration

SCA Name __________________________________________________

Mundane Name ______________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________


Classes:                      Time      Fee










          Donation (3.00 suggested):    ________________

          Instructor Fees:              ________________

          Total:                   ________________

Mail to:       Cindy Hudson
          #3 Brook Terrace Apts.
          Taylors, SC 29687

Webbed by Gregory Blount of Isenfir (